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cunt finder

1. (n.) A lothario; a man who sexually exploits women;

2. (n.) A pimp;

3. (n.) One who happens upon a woman who turns out to be a total bitch.

1. Benjamin is a habitual cunt finder.

2. If you don't mind paying to get laid, you need to consult a cunt finder.

3. After a few minutes with that slut, he realized that he was about to become a cunt finder.

by Rob Porter November 5, 2007

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Tea Finder

Tea Finder means when you or someone else finds tea and shares the gossip/information with your friends.

Kristina: We are officially Tea Finders

by big fat orange cat June 1, 2018

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Hoe Finder

When you have a compass or gps to find all the hoes

Lemme pull out my hoe finder

by Vietcong_bushcreeper January 22, 2021

Freedom finder

A basketball move when the offensive player has the ball and makes a move β€œstepping back to freedom” that creates space for a shot

Timmy took the freedom finder off his hip and blasted off in Jimmy’s face for 3

by Tubo February 7, 2021

Purpose Finder

A person who frequently questions his life and tries and finds a purpose for why he’s alive

Clueless people are sometimes purpose finders

by Human07 October 15, 2019

Feet Finder

Feet finder is one of the best apps you could ever use it is so educational

Dad: I just uploaded my feet pics on feet finder
Son: Dad! Grandmas here!

by giigitygiggity December 1, 2022

fupa finder

One with the ability to detect a fupa.

That guy is a natural fupa finder!!

by Effed November 8, 2003

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