Source Code

Gred and forge

Gred and forge are the bizzaro weasley twins Fred and George

Omg look it’s gred and forge

by Paris iykyk February 12, 2021

Forge Fest

When people pull an all-nighter and play Halo's Forge mode all night.

Guy 1 - "Dude, are you going to the Tim's Forge Fest tonight?"
Guy 2 - "Of course, we have to continue building our bases!"

by tacotoga November 5, 2011

Lucas Forges

Another Word For Malewife but especially attractive

"Look at that Lucas Forges!"

by Ommetuck October 28, 2021

Manhood In The Forge

New way to say 'Sexual Intercourse'. A phrase warned by the ESRB about the upcuming MMO "Final Fantasy XIV".

To Quote from ESRB rating Final Fantasy XIV:

"Dialogue contains suggestive references; for example, "The netmaster's probably up in his office polishing the mast just thinking about her," "stick yer manhood in the forge," and "You cheating little whore!"

by JustSawThisOnKotaku July 27, 2010

25πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Old Forge

A town located in pa where every one is either a pot head or an alcholic.

Many People Hang at The rock. A Place Where 5 students got in trouble for driving to vo tech

come to Old Forge so we can drink

by the big boy who cried March 30, 2009

34πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Rory Forge

Rory Forge (incredibly famous swimmer) aka, technicolour yawn. The most awesome of the awesome.

Man did u see that Rory Forge. What a multicolour spew he erradicated from his body whilst angry pirating everybody in sight!

by The ForgΓ© March 20, 2009

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


"Forgeing" is a different way of saying "Foreign", and is the international language of the peoples republic of Fictivia.

I amn goung to a forgeing coutry

by Jahve October 3, 2004

1πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž