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to decline someone when they ask for hug virtually.

can i have a hug
“no, fucku”

by koikno October 25, 2022


A combination of the words fuss, and ruckus. A word diligently crafted by Kasey the golden, all praise the ant queen. All praise.

" gee, those kids are causing a fuckus!"

by Lousy lion June 18, 2018


Of or relating to all kinds or forms of bullshit.
Concerning the likes of an inexplicably angering situation

See also, Befuckery.

Did you see that call the Ref just made? What kind of fuckus is that?

by Frush Prunce July 3, 2017


Fucked up focusing.

Shut up, I’m trying to fuckus.
Are you fuckusing?

by Me stealing February 13, 2023


An often word that you normally say in a baby noise (Try saying it in a baby noise) This could annoy some people and or make them laugh....

What is fucku to you?


by MisterC63 February 3, 2021


An often word that you normally say in a baby noise (Try saying it in a baby noise) This could annoy some people and or make them laugh....

What is fucku to you?


by MisterC63 February 3, 2021


Fuckus is the act of totally fucking yourself over or could be used as a insult to another person

Tommy's parents did a big fuckus when they got pregnant with Tommy

by Themegagay1312321 November 27, 2018