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Pussies, plain and simple.

Can't fight by themselves, and carry guns thinking they're hot shit.

Fuck em' all.

Gangstas are pussies.

by fuckitall June 5, 2006

110๐Ÿ‘ 63๐Ÿ‘Ž


A playful attempt to put a glamorous face on an aspect of urban life that almost everyone considers unfortunate. The nearest pop culture equivalent would be the portrayal of lawyers on TV.

Too bad its the gangsta's that get shot

by [danny boy] May 2, 2003

341๐Ÿ‘ 225๐Ÿ‘Ž


The origin of the "gansta" credo, which is akin to many resistance movements
that have sprung up around the world is precisely defense of one's own
community. Notions of community sovereignty and self-determination are the core founding principles that uphold the "gangsta" philosophy. Of course,
notions of sovereignty, self-determination, and autonomy are closely tied to the principle of a self-sustaining economy, which in a capitalist context such as the U.S., requires all gangstas to find a way to provide for themselves and for the gangsta unit. The most common resource that is utilized is of course commerce in contraband: illegal drugs, prostitution, and firearms. Because
illicit commerce requires the gangsta to work outside of the law, a law which
the resisitance movement often does not recognize as legitimate because it
was imposed on them by an outside conquering force, different norms have evolved that regulate transactions and behavior between "gangstas". Among those norms are the "pass" and the requirement that one "keep it real".

As the gangsta subculture was incorporated into American Pop Culture, and inevitably purchased and reformulated for mass consumption by corporate interests, certain principles were exaggerated in order to sell the danger and excitement of the gangsta lifestyle without giving the public any reference to understand gangstaism as a holistic set of principles. Of course those who have been the poster-boys for mass media consumption of gangsta life or "thug life", often find themselves the target of those who are "true to the game" for "selling out", a phenomenon characterized by the term "player-hater" or "haterism". A sentiment personified phrase "don't hate the player, hate the
game", an astute observation on the morally relative position of those who
have profited from their assimilation into the popular culture which is the
larger game that most gangstas revile, but those who are "true pimps" are
currently forcing to "turn tricks" in a manner of speaking.

There is a conflict between those who consider themselves "true to the
game" or "true" and those who are "big pimpin" or the "pimps". Each has its own interpretation of the gangsta principles - one that holds the values and foundational principles as absolute and controlling, and those who take a
moral relativist approach and seek a favorable outcome on behalf of "gangstas" with little regard for the gangsta process. The not so invisible hand of market forces that exploit the gangsta in a quest to pimp the American
consumer is an aberration to those who are true, but a natural consequence
and in some ways a vehicle for gangstas to "pimp" the system.

"Gangsta, gangsta, it's not about a salary it's all about reality."

--N.W.A. "Gangsta, gangsta"

by El Nacote December 6, 2004

212๐Ÿ‘ 141๐Ÿ‘Ž


An idiotic poser who obviously has no life and had resorted to drugs to. Bitch slapin, drug dealing, and car pimpin are their favorite pass times.

That motta fuckin gangsta Timmy, just sold me some pot and them slapped my bitch. I outha bust a cap in his ass.

by Sally Sesaw February 5, 2007

82๐Ÿ‘ 50๐Ÿ‘Ž


1) the black guy who gets in a fight and then ends up shooting a white dude.
2) the guy whos in a gang is referred as a gangster.
3) the culture in which everyone is dumb as shit, carry around guns they cant aim with, and where their pants down to their knees.
4) the thugs of the world

1) Anchor: Tonight in KC/MO several shots were fired in a gang fight. one man was killed.
Audience: That guy is soo gangsta/

2) Yo gangsta we hit the club tonight.

3) Oh man look at that gansta. He is snazzed up in those jeans.

4) Damn gangstas, robbin our convinient store again.

by rednblue13 June 16, 2008

21๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


a gangsta is a faggot who thinks the only way to have a life is to do drugs and keep saying he shot people who he is actually scared of,they adress each other in informal slang that makes them all look uneducated (99% of all gangsta's are uneducated and think its cool to drop out of school).they think there are cool but they are stupid faggots dont be a gangsta. they were fake gold (they call it "bling")claiming it cost alot even though they dont have jobs and probably stole it off chav who is bassically the same thing but is british.

"hey look at that faggot gangsta"

by broad_man January 31, 2006

58๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž


A word mostly incorporated into rap by 50 cent and others .
It's actual meaning is derived from gangster which is anyone from or partaking in a gang .
Not to be mixed up with mobster , gangster and thug .
Mobster is part of the mafia ; the real and original creators of organized crime in movies and such . Triads and Yakuza are two other gangs .
Gangsters are usually street bred . Although this may be a thing to show on TV or at school , a harsh life isn't always that big of a deal .
Thugs are usually mindless idiots who follow the plans of a smarter mastermind and will act like pawns , nothing more .

1. Mobster : Al Capone , Don Coreleone from the godfather ...
2. the other 50 cent , not the one on TV .
3. any dumbass saying he's 'gangsta' or 'in da hood' when he's getting his rear-end handed to him by 'crackers' .

by arabian dude July 14, 2006

27๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž