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vaginal gestapo

The vaginal gestapo are a group of women in a work or school setting who subscribe to the belief that they are better or smarter than the men around them. Because of the intelligence and wisdom vested in them by the power of their thundery vaginas, the vaginal gestapo believe that the men around them should do their bidding.

Greg (talking on the phone): What's that screeching in the background, man? Do you need to get off the phone?

James: Don't sweat it. It's just the vaginal gestapo trying to volunteer me for extra work.

Greg: Dude, fuck that shit. Tell those bitches to do their own job.

by Bructus January 23, 2011

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Corporate Gestapo


Middle Manager: I'm having a problem with a nigger. Corporate Gestapo, please investigate.

Corporate Gestapo: Va Voll, Mein Herr!

by Honest Richard November 21, 2013

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Booze Gestapo

The Booze Gestapo is a body of people with the authority to walk around camp sites and other places were people are sleeping over and check that nobody is drinking alcohol. They are known for being "to the book" people who like to crash party's. They get a fix out of doing this.

Booze Gestapo agent David Smith: "you are misusing the system!"
Me: no David, the system is misusing you!

by Dutch Ross August 16, 2009

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Taco Gestapo

When a woman cock blocks another woman. She can put up a "beaver dam" to stop flirtation. Taco gestapo can also be used as a noun.

"Me and this guy were totally hitting it off, but Sarah just had to come over and taco gestapo me!"

by sadwilli August 7, 2014

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care bear gestapo

A person or group of people that try to keep you from saying or doing anything too immoral.

Solomon: I wish my girl would Rusty Trombone me sometimes.
Marty: Dude, that's not cool to say.
Solomon: What? Are you with the Care Bear Gestapo or something?

by JoshuaD February 25, 2008

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Grammar Gestapo

Noun; someone who pays astute attentive to grammar when writing or speaking. Grammar gestapo also place significant emphasis on parallel structure, word choice, use of imagery and figurative language in their writing.

My college essay tutor is a true grammar expert, and we jokingly refer to her as the grammar gestapo.

by BrooklynJGT December 25, 2022

gestapo tab

Coined to define the β€˜for you’ tab on Twitter, which has a constant feed of right wing political views.

Hey have you clicked the Gestapo tab today, they’re saying their going to start taxing air…

by March 24, 2023