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Ghandi Speed

slow connection to your internet to the point that you lag you miss out on a whole conversation and sometimes lose your inner peace

Damn your computer is movin at Ghandi Speed!

by T-MO myspace.com/tmosolclique August 8, 2008

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Ghandi Camp

A place where all Indian children go. It is used in order to make them thankful for all that Ghandi did for Indian people. Common activities include walking to the ocean to get salt, eating curry, making naan and weaving your own robes.

Mark: Hey Anuj, remember that time you went to Ghandi Camp and you had to walk to the ocean to get salt?
Gustavo: Hey Anuj remember that time you went to Ghandi Camp and you had to make your own clothes?
Tomo: Hey Anuj remember that time you went to Ghandi Camp and you ate with your hands and used your robe as napkin?
Anuj: I didn't even go to Ghandi Camp...I think Gautam did.
Tomo: WAIT! You're Gautam? Anuj and Gautam are the same person?!?

by buttsecks24/7 September 20, 2010

ghandi bod

the opposite of a dad bod. when you're naturally extremely skinny, to the point where your bones are visible through your skin, and you have no muscle built on you.
not to be confused with anorexic or starving bods.

"Man dude, I've gotta drink more milk than ever, this ghandi bod is the worst."

by marblecakealsothegame13 December 5, 2018

Lee Ghandi

a very famous person who was also Ghandis little brother.

Dude: have you ever heard of Lee Ghandi?
Man: No, who is Lee Ghandi
Dude: Lee Ghandis Nuts lmao yeet!! hahaha

by KalOSSR June 13, 2019

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Great Ghandi

A substitute for "OH MY GOD!" in a mock Indian accent.

Great Ghandi! That's a big gun!

by St. Sinner May 1, 2007

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Indira Ghandi

The first female prime minister of India. She was the daughter of the affaimed Jawaharl Nehru, also an important political figure. Indira had a long career, and though she was a genius of a politician with shrewd insight, Indira was also power hungry and very good at snatching power. She was assasinated on October 31, 1984.

Several years before she was assasinated, Indira Ghandi was charged with electoral fraud. She called in a state of emergency to the country and threw all of her opponents in jail. Events like these showcase her brilliance and her hunger for pwoer, with whatever means she can get it with.

by Ilana January 22, 2006

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Evil Ghandi

A version of Ghandi that is neither man nor animal, but a Manimal. He shares a link between both in that he has the appearance of a man and the sexual blood lust of a grizzly bear injected with the hormones of a man that never got laid in his 100 years of life and juices from all the most famous action stars testicles such as Arnold Schwarzenegger, Kimbo Slice, Triple H, The Rock, Chuck Norris, Sylvester Stallone, Steven Segal, and last but not least Bruce Lee. Evil Ghandi is called so because he fools you with the heartwarming appearance of the peaceful resistance loving man named Mahatma Ghandi, but in actuality he is a viscous freak who is obsessed with sneaking into young women and children's bedrooms to have his way with them. after which he kills them and eats their eyes for having looked upon his amazingly handsome body.

Jeff: i told the police that all i heard was screaming and bear noises when i entered the room all i saw was a bloody corpse that had the appearance of being brutally raped and their eyes eaten out.. all i could think was that it must have been Evil Ghandi.

by Jwalken August 2, 2007

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