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It's a place that people act like is such a bad crime infested place with a hobo on each corner like all these suburban kids like to discribe the ghetto when in fact it's not THAT bad! Not everyone does drugs and kills people! I'm not saying ghetto is the best place to raise a family but no one picks on other kids in the ghetto because everyone can understand why someone's clothes arent always brand fucking new. It is a wonderful place to live as long as you dont fuck with the gangbangers. keep in mind though not every kid with baggy clothes and a durag on is a gangbanger that just means he probly just likes rap...

I live in the innercity(ghetto said in a positive way) of Columbus, Ohio and i don't think its bad at all...

by Loganisdbomb July 11, 2006

162๐Ÿ‘ 108๐Ÿ‘Ž


The origin of the word ghetto comes from the dialect spoken in Venezia, aka Venice for english-spoken people, and probably was created during 1400-1500. It was used to define the place where jewish people live and have their bussinesses,
separated from the oligarchy that ruled Venezia in that period , that was mainly connected with commerce on the Mediterranean
Sea.I think people in Venezia could haven't believed that this word would have such a fortune. Of course this word can mean all the other entries are in this this useful slang dictionary.

Nowadays if u go 2 Venezia in Northern Italy u'll find the real first ghetto in history

by Dj Pierfa April 8, 2006

121๐Ÿ‘ 87๐Ÿ‘Ž


Urban Redneck

The urban counterpart to the rural. Both underclasses possess a culture, values, language, and dress code characterized by identification with ignorance, substance abuse, objectification of women, crime, poverty and geographic, social and economic isolation.

You might be ghetto if your car has rims which cost more than the car itself.

by Becky August 30, 2006

55๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž


some who acts like they grew up poor and in the hood. usaully this type of person can never let the streets and hood go.

i can't stand that girl she is so ghetto....

by lancenishimoto August 18, 2007

46๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. A state of mind

2. People, who may not always be of the black or lower class, that act unnecessarily uncivilized

1. Just because you live in the projects don't mean you have to be ghetto.

2. "No she didn't just walk into this grocery store in her pajamas and hair scarf!"

by simplydabest82 December 1, 2007

36๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž


The place which housed and or where Jews were kept during World War Two.

The gustopo stopped in the ghetto to patrol the area after curfew.

by Kit Vega December 16, 2015


despite pop culture, ghetto is actually a noun, not an adjective to describe something poorly made or maintained. a ghetto is an area of gov't funded housing.

wrong: bro, that is a ghetto ass stereo
right: i live in the ghetto

by Paul____ August 11, 2005

186๐Ÿ‘ 172๐Ÿ‘Ž