Source Code

Graphics Whore

The shame of gaming, the worst kind of gamer, and one that gives other gamers a bad name by hating on a game because the graphics aren't realistic enough for them, when instead, they should be looking for smooth controls, varied moves/abilities, smooth gameplay with few bugs, and above all, fun.

Graphics Whore: I'm going to play my 360 and PS3 because I am awesome.
Me: Well, have fun. I'm going to play SNES, N64, Genesis, and NES.
Graphics Whore: You still play that outdated shit? Man, that shit is stupid and the graphics suck balls!
Me: You know what? Why don't you go fuck yourself with a rusty chainsaw?

by HardcoreGamer4Ever May 15, 2010

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Graphics Junkie

A person caring to much about graphics and almost nothing about game play or anything else for that matter.

That person is such a Graphics Junkie that they won't even play the classic Mario and Pacman games.

by -Noctis Caelum- May 29, 2011

graphic novel

A Graphic Novel is a collection of comic book issues usually reprinted in better quality on better quality paper. It is much more expensive than regular comic books due to its extended amount of pages. The term "Graphic Novel" can also refer to comic books that have a more adult-oriented theme.

Person 1: Have you ever read "Watchmen" by Alan Moore?
Person 2: Yeah, I think it's awesome. It set the new foundation of the term "Graphic Novel" along with Frank Miller's "Batman: The Dark Knight Returns" and Will Eisner's "A Contract with God."

by Ellis Kim October 1, 2006

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Graphic designer

A slave to the pixel, print and ideas. Dealing in anything two-dimensional, especially printed materials, anything that has to do with communicating images and text. Also dabbles across other creative industries, the most versatile and underpaid designer of them all.

I'm a graphic designer who can also do fashion, product, architecture, web, marketing, advertising, media planning, project management, event management, animation, illustration and even photography; somebody shoot me!

A: I'm a graphic designer.
B: May the Lord be with you.

A: I'm in the marketing, advertising and artistic industry, but i don't have a credit card, what am i?
B: You're a Graphic Designer!

by Fat Rabbit July 7, 2005

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graphics nazi

someone, usually an over hyped fanboy or a fanboy of another console, who complains and/or criticizes a video games graphics even if they are good.

Mr.Noob: "That's A sweet video of Halo 2...oops, that Halo 3, I could hardly tell the difference."

Frankie: "Oh really, Go jump of a cliff graphics nazi."

by Verdreht 254 August 24, 2007

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Graphic Designer

noun: An under-paid, under-employed, and under-appreciated creative professional known for their keen sense of "what looks right visually". A very opinionated and possibly unemployed person.

My boyfriend said your website sucks. He's a Graphic Designer.

You used 'Helvetica' on your business card? As a Graphic Designer, I must say that your choice is very sterile and clichรฉ. You probably won't get any business.

by 77jim March 23, 2011

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Graphics tourist

A graphics tourist prioritizes the graphics in a game higher than the gameplay and story of the game.

Dude! You're sucha graphics tourist for loving Far Cry 2!

by Fooshi July 21, 2010