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an italian, the only kind of guy that's worth dating

Look at that hot guinea over there

by Supergirl_Wan April 3, 2006

60πŸ‘ 177πŸ‘Ž


An ethnic slur for Italian-Americans. The word lost all derogatory connotations about a century ago, except for ambiguously white kids with identity issues who decided to cling to an ethnicity they neither belong to or know anything about (see guido). These are usually the idiots who consider Italian to be a separate race.

He's a fat, worthless guinea

by C19 April 15, 2008

27πŸ‘ 73πŸ‘Ž


a racial slur against an italian or italian-american. correcting a definition made previously, italian-americans DO call eachother this occasionaly just like black people use the "n**ga" with eachother. i am italian-american and i do not get offended when i am called this by my otha italian friends but it is pretty insulting when someone not italian says this. so if ur not italian DO NOT USE THIS WORD!

Italian To Italian:

Tony: Heeey! wuts goin on guinea man?!?

Rick: Nuthin much.

Non-Italian To Italian:

Patrick: Heeey! wuts goin on guinea?

Rick: wtf man i will beat ur ass if u say that again!

by tha mann January 20, 2007

20πŸ‘ 65πŸ‘Ž


Ghinea was the ancient currency with which the 4 maritime Republics (Venice,Genoa, Pisa and Amalfi), used to trade around the Meiterranean

The gold used to make the Ghinea came from Guinea, hence the name.

Italians are called Guinea because they were great traders before and throughout the Renaissence and made most of their wealth with the Arab Muslim world.

Egyptian pound Ψ§Ω„Ψ¬Ω†ΩŠΩ‡ el-GenΔ“h / el-Geni = Ghinea/ Guinea

by Deuxex June 2, 2016

1πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


Italian racial slur; Only for One Italian to define another Italian. As Black People use the word N*gga.
Guineas and Guidos are NOT the same thing.
People usually say, Guidos are Italian. Not true. Guidos are basically wanna-be Italians. Men that dress like the stereotypical Italian or Italian American just to receive recognition by others. Many people tend to call Italians "Guido". Best bet is to just not call an Italian a Guinea if your NOT Italian, unless you want a pissed of Italian wanting to kick your ass.

An Italian Speaking to Another Italian.

Salvatore : Hey there you damn Guinea. How you holdin' up?

Roberto : Pretty good... You're self?

A Non-Italian Speaking to an Italian.

Bob: Hey ya guinea! Hows it going?

Roberto: Call me a guinea again and I'll push those words out your ass.

by MrMcgueeDupree December 23, 2009

713πŸ‘ 508πŸ‘Ž


"Guinea" is an American slang term for an Italian.
At the time of massive Italian immigration to the U.S. in the late 19th and early 20th centurys, most Americans lived on farms, and used a large fowl called a Guinea to keep the garden and lawns free of bugs and ticks, which they ate in great numbers.
A flock of Guineas "spoke" in a rapid, excited manner, and the newly arrived Italian immigrants spoke in a fast emotional manner that reminded the Americans of the sound that a Guinea fowl made, so the newcomers were soon dubbed "Guineas" by the local people.

(Son to Father) "Hey Pa, them I-talians sure do talk funny!"
(Father to Son) "That's rightly so boy, they strut around and babble like a gaggle of Guineas!"

by Sheepster411 March 22, 2009

171πŸ‘ 128πŸ‘Ž


The Italian equivalent of calling a black guy a porch monkey I,E one of the most infuriating and insulting thing one could call an Italian

You swamp guineas are all the same, go wash the grease from your hair( after saying this area your in will be swarming with this "guinea"'s cultural brothers who will all proceed to kick your ignorant ass)!

by bob boberton April 18, 2015

37πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž