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gummy bears

A euphimism used in the description of cunnilingus used when trying not to gross out your associates when telling them illicit stories.

Dude, I love giving girls gummy bears!

by sage_4 March 16, 2006

51๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž

a Gummy bear

A sexual act in which gummy bears are used. there are several variations

the gummy bear's cave: the one partner takes many gummy bears and places inside the vagina and the goal is to eat her out until u have successfully removed and eaten all of the gummy bears

gummy bear pump: a blow job in which the partner blowing has a mouth full of gummy bears (WARNING: this is a choking hazard)

gummy buffet: when gummy bears are placed all over one partners stomach and the other(s) each them off without using their hands

tim: omg this chick gave me a gummy bear pump last night and i had to do the hiemlick!

jim: thats almost as bad as when we did a gummy bear 's cave and see had her period!

by thefailwhale June 17, 2010

23๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gummi Bear

When someone with no teeth gives you a blow job.

Old Mrs. Jenkins up the street gives a mean gummi bear, and I'm not talking about candy.

by The World's Greatest Lover October 26, 2010

15๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gummy bear

A wonderful person you won't ever forget they saw the light in you when you couldn't see it for yourself..a beacon they will be your dream they are perfectly amazing ..it's true

Gummy bear I'll always love you

by Rollin thunder November 20, 2018

Gummy Bears

Gummy Bears are the root of all evil. They have slowly succeeded in their attempts to take over the goverment as they have made school hours longer and made education compulsory till age 18. Virtually indestructable, Gummy Bears will rule the world.

Biting off heads, running over with cars and jamming them in draws do not work. Gummy Bears can break freezers too!

by Steph&Chels August 29, 2008

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Gummy Bears

Words to describe a turbulent flight (which was bouncing here & there & everywhere)

I spilled my drink all over me when the flight got all goddamn gummy bears.
Holy shit that flight was gummy bears. I thought we were gonna die!

by bizzaro14 June 28, 2010

14๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

gummy bears

A mouth full of gums usaully brought on by tooth decay as a result of the habitual smoking of meth. Girls with gummy bears tend to give the highest quality of head.

I love that meth look. Im all about gummy bears and exposed ribs.

by Roverticus August 16, 2010

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