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Half ass cunt

A cunt that can do a job better but only does it half as good as he could.

Do it properly you half ass cunt.

by DBG Dan December 12, 2016

Half Assed Monkey

A two bit loser who refuses to get a job and would rather live off state subsidies and other handouts.

Also, an internal refernce used by AOL employees when referring to the AOL program.

That bitch drawing off welfare is nothing but a Half Assed Monkey.

Dammit I installed the Half Assed Monkey and it fucked up my computer!

by ragedookie September 25, 2005

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half-ass christian

is a christian who will lie to you and the world saying that they're true a christian and go to church every sunday, but they don't act like christians and they sin more than most non-christians do.

she is not a christian...she's a half-ass christian that's why is she wearing those apple bottom shorts and acting like a slut on the dance floor.

by candygirltasteright June 26, 2007

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half-ass samurai

a person in an important job , usually one affecting the life and death of the people around, who does so poorly at his job that the people around him suffer, often at the cost of their lives, similar to a samurai who did not take the shogunate seriously

proper usage> George W. Bush is a half-ass samurai

improper usage> He reads like a half-ass samurai

by David Lukens March 18, 2008

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Half- Ass Coverers

noun: Any type of underwear that lets the bottom of ass hang out; exposing ones butt cheeks. eg Boy shorts/Booty shorts.

She has the nerve to rock them half-ass coverers when she ain't got no ass.

by Mike's Wifey May 15, 2005

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Half Assing

The act of someone digging in their ass while they are half asleep.

Girl, I was in bed with my man last night and he started half assing.

by Big Scoop July 29, 2016

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Harvey Half - ass

Harvey - Half ass is An exceptional nick name for one who does everything half assed. No matter how many times they've been told ,or trained on a task ,they still manage to complete it half - assed /poorly. Harvey - Half asses require frequent ass chewing and threats of firing and even violence to get them to do what they are supposed to do properly.

Harvey Half - ass ... How many times do you need to be shown how to tuck a window Harvey Half - ass... you've been here 3 months and shown multiple times... DO IT THE RIGHT WAY OR YOUR FIRED!!!!!! Move it Harvey -Half - ass !!!

by Willie shaverpus April 14, 2023