Source Code

Hanukkah Hummer

Hanukkah Hummer - A "hummer" or blowjob given on the evening of Hanukkah. If you're lucky you'll get a Hanukkah Hummer every night for eight days!!!

Mordechai: Hey Moischel, what did you get for Hanukkah tonight?
Moischel: A Hanukkah Hummer of course!

by Unix Lord December 16, 2006

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hanukkah man

The brother of Santa clause, he delivers Presents to all the good Jewish boys and girls. He Drives a magic UPS truck and lives in Miami.

I left some locks and bagels out for the Hanukkah man.

by Serinice January 13, 2016

Hanukkah is the best

I love Hanukkah, Hannukah is the best I think that its the best holiday to every exist yay!!! Hanukkah Sameach!

Hanukkah is the best I love it so much :D

by joeisking2022 December 16, 2021

hanukkah harry

the jewish equivlant of santa claus.


by J-Unit April 24, 2004

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Hanukkah bowl

Marijuana packed in a pipe or bowl which lasts 8 lights instead of just one.

The bong was packed. To Jill's surprise it was a Hanukkah bowl lasting longer than she expected!

by Pot Nerd December 10, 2010

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Hanukkah n00b

A new player of a FPS, RTS, or any other type of game, who specifically gets their game on Hanukkah. The player will have a disadvantage to the older players of the game, which gives the older players an easier time leveling up since there will be a "huge" wave of new players.

"Look at all those Hanukkah n00bs!"

by realnatedogg911 December 24, 2011

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Hanukkah Bush

A long haired vagina that is well groomed

My friend Dreenie was like hey lex wanna see my christmas tree and i was like no way man check this Hanukkah bush.

by LexTheBex December 7, 2006

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