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Hard Hat

A hard hat is the hard tip of a turd that is difficult to pass through the rectum. It is usually followed by super soft serve poop, or diarrhea.

Whew! That was one super tough hard hat! Glad I got that one out!

by Gnat Masterson January 23, 2023

Leaky Hard Hat

resting your erect penis on the top of a woman's head and ejaculating down the front of her face

"not another leaky hard hat. I just washed my face"

by SapphireSkyz July 3, 2018

emergency hard hat

A construction type hard hat kept in the trunk of an automobile for shit emergencies allowing wearer "no questions asked" free access to tens of thousands of Porta Potties nationwide.

When I wear my emergency hard hat,I can use the Porta-John at any construction site and nobody gives me a second glance.

by wolfbait51 May 23, 2011