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Reiki Cosmic Healer

Cosmic Healer heals mind body and Soul with Reiki Energy and guide people from various spheres of life.

People from all over the world connected to cosmic Healer for spiritual practice

I admire how Reiki Cosmic Healer heals people and counsel.

by Cosmic Healer November 28, 2021

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Piano Healer

A musician who plays light and upbeat piano music. Used as stress help.

You're depressed and you have a piano, so get a piano healer.

by silverseal September 17, 2011

soul healer

someone or something that is able to HEAL your soul just by existing.

“this song is a real soul healer”

by costellatjon June 27, 2022

Healer Week

When an individual drinks alcohol every night for a week straight.

This has been a good Healer Week!

by reusch June 1, 2014

Healers and Hellraisers

Podcast jargon for procrastination. Usually refers to the frustration an audience base is feeling when anticipating an exciting new show.

Guy 1: It’s been sometime since an episode of Friends to Know has been released.
Guy 2: I know. Adam must be pulling a Healers and Hellraisers cuz he’s just sitting there with his thumb up his ass.

by Mr.Bowel November 20, 2017

Healer's High

When you do an obviously great job healing your party, especially in PVP situations.

Mage: wow that was an awesome battle. it's a miracle no one died on our side
Tank: have you seen our priest heals? he probably has a "healer's high" rn

by Raz R. December 5, 2020


There is no healing, so there are no healers.

She thought she was the true messiah, a healer, and that anybody that questioned her belief was a hater or a witch hunter. People just thought she should get treated the same as any guy that did the same thing.

by The Original Agahnim September 26, 2021