Source Code


1. High
2. Blazed
3. Stoned
4. Baked
5. Goofy
6. Trippin’
7. Blitzed
8. Burnt
9. Mellow
10. Chillin’
11. Toasted
12. Ripped
13. Roasted
14. Blasted
15. Fucked up
16. Gone
17. Lit
18. Feeling good
19. Buzzed
20. Crispy
21. Faced
22. Bonged
23. Wacky
24. Spliffed
25. Smoked
26. Blunted
27. Bonked
28. Fried
29. Retarded
30. Faded
31. Stupid
32. Grassed
33. Smashed
34. Doped
35. Happy
36. Cheesin’
37. Soaring
38. Bombed
39. Twisted
40. Stewed
41. Loaded
42. Churned
43. Blown
44. Piped
45. Chopped
46. Tweaked
47. Torched
48. Warped
49. Silly
50. Chalked
51. Wrecked
52. Drugged
53. Spacey
54. Smacked
55. Chipped
56. Whipped
57. Cheeky
58. Steamed
59. Hashed
60. Bhanged
61. Floored

'Dude, I'm so high right now.'
'Yeah bro, that sensi was dank. I'm ripped.'

by iSmoke24 September 27, 2009

19πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


feeling good and totally oblivious

Being high is tough to explain without being high yourself but I will do my best. Getting high isnt always painless, giant bong rips or big hits of any kind can and will hurt your lungs for a little bit but its okay because your high. You feel lightheaded and and wispy at first. Then you laugh at everything that happens next. If someone told you your whole family was murdered you would laught at it and ask for another joke. You lose some motor skill. Driving is a little impaired but for the experienced stoner its not a problem. Depending on the amount of bud smoked and the quality of the herb your high should last 1-4 hours. Quit reading this and get toking

by Vash Riarios November 15, 2005

143πŸ‘ 73πŸ‘Ž


after smoking some bud, this feeling washes upon you like a warm wave. The first noticable sign you get is when everything takes on a hazy effect. Its like, a weight being lifted off your shoulders. Then you get the giggles. Everything seems to be funny. And if you can't control yourself, its difficult to stop. Its hard not to smile. You difinatly don't want to be around anyone who isnt high, because they just won't get it.
Being high is a very hard feeling to describe.
You get really hungry. Please, try not to eat everything. You'll regret it in the morning.
try it =
The best way to know the feeling of being high is to experience it for yourself.
So stop reading this...and go burn.

I was gonna go to class, but i got high.
I coulda cheated, and i coulda passed, but i got high

by Adrianne Daaaaaavis May 9, 2006

825πŸ‘ 479πŸ‘Ž


Existing on a mental/spiritual plane which can be quite contrary to your or most individual's normal state of awareness. Emotions within state can range from extreme calm to hysterically eractic fear. This awareness normally results in heightened concentration of something (person, place, thing, idea, thought,image, smell, taste, etc.). Once locked in, person may trance entire awareness onto one subject. When this happens, whether high or when low or normal, the concentration can reveal things that normally are missed. State of being high can be induced through various methods including chemical inducement (including the most popular herbals), physical endorphine release due to sudden rush, mental concentration, extreme happiness, radical detachment, etc. Extensive inductions through use of chemicals have been know to lessen life force qi or sometimes called chi. All induction forms can be highly addictive to certain character types, so know thy self.

Being high can grant full undivided attention to the minutest of details by finding universal link to that detail...

by Honored2baStudent August 15, 2006

36πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


Probably the best feeling EVER! When you're buzzing, you start feeling pretty good about yourself, and you have a big grin on your face. When you're high, you laugh uncontrollably, almost for minutes on end. A few times, I laughed so hard, I wasn't breathing and I was crying, lol. When you're high, you think you're the smartest person in the world. To you, people say the stupidest things. When you're high, you feel really slow. When you try to go fast, you...don't go fast. Simple as that. You feel more appreciative towards music, especially hip-hop. I recommend Tech N9ne and BTnH when you're high. When going out in public high, ALWAYS spray some cologne or smell-good shit on, and use VISINE. I don't recommend going to school high, but I do it sometimes anyway. In school, you don't do your work, and it's rather boring. I don't know what to say about going to work high. I guess it depends all on what you do. And THAT...is my definition of high.

I got so high last weekend, I had a headache.

by Im Too High to remember January 25, 2009

141πŸ‘ 75πŸ‘Ž


bein in state of contentment for once, where the world actualyl seems interesting. You become unable to do the simplest things

not being able to do up ur trousers, but find the buckle very interesting.

by hobobado May 10, 2005

65πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž


Well, there is only one word to describe high:Woah. When you smoke weed it gets to your head and puts extra endorphins in your brain, which make you extremely happy. Extremely. Different people have different levels. When I get high, I get really high. Especially in the car......but anyway.....You get happy and peaceful and nice. Everything seems better.

Wow man, I love getting high.

by jjrobinson. January 17, 2009

12πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž