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I don't come from graffiti

Phrase used by art historians who snub street culture whilst proceeding to discuss travels, blazers, and the nuances of english accents in the wee hours of the night.

"I don't come from graffiti..."
"wait, did you just say, i don't come from graffiti?"

by nobutwhoareyou December 8, 2011

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I didn't come down in the last shower

Australian slang, meaning I'm wise to your game, or don't play me for a fool. This is a slang term not heard often in the regional centres, but reasonably common among the old blokes in smaller townships.

Davo(upon hearing something incredulous): carn mate, I didn't come down in the last shower!

by kingofspin March 12, 2020

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swiggity swoogity i am coming for that booty

When Foxy runs he says this.

(Foxy runs down the hall) swiggity swoogity i am coming for that booty!

by ZzWatermelonJuicezZOnYt June 6, 2019

Honest baby, I won't come in your mouth

The number one lie that every guy has said.

Of course I respect you and will love you in the morning. So come on, honest baby, I won't come in your mouth.

by Pompatus of Love September 4, 2016

When I leave, come together like butt cheeks

Famous quote first uttered by the great Eddie Griffin on the Chappelle Show season two episode seven. When Griffin's character, Grits N' Gravy, recites the line, the character is leaving a dice game because he has lost. The line is the character's finale. To understand the meaning of this line, one must realize that it refers to the act of defecating. When the feces begins to emerge from the anus, the butt cheeks will often part to make room. When the feces leaves the anus, the butt cheeks will close and thus "come together". Through use of extraordinary creativity and brilliant comedic genius, Griffin used his symbolic language to portray his character as "the shit". Griffin's brilliance is can be witnessed first hand as none of the audience in the show laughs.

Grits N' Gravy: When I leave, come together like butt cheeks.

by uhhhjustincase September 10, 2010

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I did not come here to make friends!

A phrase that pops up in lots of competitive reality television shows such as Survivor, The Apprentise, Flavor of Love, and many, many, more. What is intresting about this phrase is that you would never say it anywhere outside of television. Even if you were in a position where you where not there to make friends you would not gain anything by anouncing it.

On a competitive reality television show

Person 1: I am going to win this and you know it!
Person 2: Oh no you won't! I will fight you if I have to! I did not come here to make friends!

by Dr. M0 October 12, 2009

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I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass... and I'm all out of bubblegum

A phrase meaning that some serious ass is going to get whooped, more so than usual, because there's nothing else left to do that can solve the current problem. It also makes for a great entrance to a party.

The phrase originated from the 1988 John Carpenter film "They Live". The main character walks into a bank with a shotgun and says the line, then proceeds to shoot all the aliens-disguised-as-humans in it. And yes, it is as awesome as it sounds.

The phrase was also used in Duke Nukem 3D and a modified version was said in the 1993 film "Dazed And Confused", where a character says "I came here to drink beer and kick ass... and it looks like we're almost out of beer."

I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass... and I'm all out of bubblegum. Now let's get fucked up!

by MovieManiacX March 16, 2010

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