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Womb Shroom

A child whose mother did drugs during her entire prenancy and regarded her child as a 'fun guy'

This womb shroom is cramping my style I wish I could get rid of it but I really need the extra food stamps.

by Ranchgirls December 10, 2020

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Womb Temperature

When the water in your swimming pool is so damn hot it is no longer refreshing.

Falls Between Comfortable & Piss Warm

Mike - Hey , You guys wanna come over swimming?

Tom - Hell no, It would be more refreshing swimming in my mothers womb!

Ray - Yeah, Having a WOMB Temperature pool is not cool!

by M Mac July 8, 2010

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wombs to go

This is the fertility and gestation of babies for hire industry.

Dr. Mintz runs several wombs to go clinics.

by I, Wreckerrr March 11, 2021

Womb Squatter

In similar concept to that of a squatter: a person who settles on land/occupies property without title, right, or payment of rent; a Womb Squatter is an unexpected and possibly unwanted pregnancy. I.e., the fetus is undesirably there and doesn't plan on leaving on its own.
It is a term that you will most likely never hear uttered from the mouth of a pro-lifer .

Janie: Why are you so upset? You've been crying all day... Is everything okay?
Alyssa: Oh Janie, I have a womb squatter. Dylan is going to be so mad at me!
Janie: I am so sorry, Janie. Just remember that, due to a Woman's right to choice, you have options.
Alyssa: I know, I've already been considering my options. But next time, I will definitely remember to use birth control and contraceptives.

by HananaBannah October 21, 2009

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Womb Donor

Female version of "Sperm donor"

That girl is no mother she is a womb donor.

by loriwalters April 27, 2011

womb nugget

a child, one raised in a womb, that is now not in the womb. it could also refer to a child who is extremely cute, like a lil nugget.

"Did you see Rae's womb nuggets? adorable right? almost makes me want one myself"

by beepothegreatpuppet May 5, 2020

Womb Deep

While having sexual intercourse with a female the male's penis reaches all the way to the womb.

Gideon: Yo Mo, How you'd make out with that chick last night?

Mo: Forgetaboutit. I was Womb Deep up in that bitch...

by ToMay July 20, 2011

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