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crackhead ingenuity

A person addicted to drugs that is willing to do anything and everything to get a fix.

Person 1: “We try to keep crackheads out of the dumpster with a padlock but they somehow always get in”

Person 2: “ Oh that’s what we call crackhead ingenuity, if there’s a will there’s a way!”

by SilverBoi21 February 7, 2022


When someone has no clue what you’re asking for the expectation is they will come up with something brilliant.

I have no idea how Bob is building that thing. It’s pretty ingenus of him.

by 1891_level August 30, 2023

Redneck Ingenuity

Putting a large amount of faith in duck tape and WD-40 to fix all your problems

Friend 1: My 12 gauge fell in the marsh and broke the hand guard off on my last duck hunt. I just sprayed it with some good ole WD-Love and taped the hand guard back on and she works just fine

Friend 2: That’s some redneck ingenuity right there

by CSD02 November 27, 2021