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African American Racist with prejudices specifically against Caucasians

That black lady at the DMV counter was very anglo-intolerant.

by JDStroud April 6, 2006

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Cocktose Intolerant

A lesbian or person who has an aversion to peen.

friend 1: Dude, that girl is so hot!
friend 2: Man, don't waste your time. She rolls with those butchie's over there. That girl be cocktose intolerant!

by Chinesecognac February 6, 2010

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Lactose intolerant

Someone who consumes large amounts of dairy

β€œNick, you’re eating pizza, I thought you were lactose intolerant?” β€œI am”

by cartman911 February 8, 2021

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Vaginal intolerant

A guys inability to partake in activities involving a vagina because they dont enjoy vagina and would much prefer a big hard D!

I tried to set Ross up with Davids mom but I forgot that he is Vaginal Intolerant. He would prefer a night out with Gab instead!

by ROBERBREW January 8, 2018

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Sactose Intolerant

One who is not tolerant to play under the nutsack...(near the booty hole)

She had her hand under my balls while sucking my dick. Her finger grazed my asshole and i said "whoa, back the fuck up im Sactose intolerant."

by thetallguy321 March 30, 2009

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A condition were burnt toast causes the tear ducts to explode and you cry.

I was eating toast when Blacktoast-Intolerant kicked in and I bawled bro.

by JMRILEY October 6, 2008

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the intolerant left

They like to provide your every thought for you and INFORM you of what is morally right and what isn't.We have a serious church and state issue going on with these whacko leftists in this country.

The intolerant left want to force their beliefs up your butt.

by go to hell you Democrat December 31, 2005

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