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The preferred form of coffee creamer among Dooleys. Rather than milk, cream, or other powdered or liquid coffee creamers, only jism will do. Their idea of the perfect cup of java is a Starbucks mocha latte, with 10 artificial sweeteners and 3 goopy loads of jism. They enjoy not only the taste but the congealed, gelatinous, coagulation created by the loads of jism.

"Hey Mike, have you seen the jism? I'm trying to make a cup of coffee?" Mike: "No Jenny, I think we are all out, but hold on and let me whip some up for you."

A Dooley, at Starbucks: "Can I get 3 pumps of jizz with that latte?" Starbucks worker: "No sir, you have to provide your own jism. There is a bathroom right over there, and there is lube on the counter."

by That Dude That Knows September 23, 2020

1👍 1👎


A very dry and sarcastic statement that is usually meant to create laughter. Usually spoken by Lil' Jimmy via IM, Email or verbal communication.

These Jisms, unfortunately, leave people forgetting to laugh. However, this does not stop Lil' Jimmy on his crusade for the perfect Jism!

by a9 August 5, 2003

4👍 22👎

jism wiper

A person who performs the menial task of cleaning up semen from a booth in a hardcore sex club or strip venue.

see jizz mopper.

Amanda: "What did you say your dad does again?"
Doug Hardy: "He's a jism wiper at Club X in the city."
Amanda: *nods* "That's kinda cool."

by poja August 12, 2004

237👍 2👎

Captain Jism

Anyone that has numerous orgasms, ejaculations.

Captain Jism splugesprayed the entire room.

by jpg3 September 4, 2011

1122👍 32👎

jism trail

1. After blowing one's load upon a girl, the resulting spray pattern is known as the jism trail. Coined after the Old West cattle trail, the Chisholm trail.

2. Peter Tracks

1. Man, after I blew my load on Amber, you shoulda seen the jism trail I left!

by TexAMAggie05 October 5, 2006

Jism Junction

The area of skin on a female between the anus and vagina where the jism of two males meet after they orgasm and it leaks to the junction.

My buddies Bill and Ted told me they were on an “excellent adventure” dismantling Sandra the other weekend, simultaneously, when the both blew their loads. As Sandra was lying there leaking fluids out of both orifices, she screamed with excitement whoever’s load makes it to the Jism Junction first will be mine forever. Needless to say, I haven’t heard from Ted since.

by Tee Cee Deez March 3, 2020

jism junkie

A woman who loves sucking cock and swallowing cum.

Man: "You like that cock, baby?"
Woman: (With mouth full of cock) "Umm Hmm"
Man: "Do you swallow?"
Woman: (With mouth full of cock) "Umm Hmm!"
Man: "Are you a jism junkie?"
Woman: (With mouth full of cock) "Umm Hmm!"

by BigFatGuy November 5, 2007

17👍 1👎