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kennel the dogs

To shove your big brass balls back into your pants before leaving for a social outing.

I'll be over in a bit. Just gotta kennel the dogs.

by The last word July 4, 2014

kennel time

Time spent dwelling upon an unfortunate event or memory actually causing you to relive the pain from such event/memory.

John (recalls past): It's already been six months, and my ass still hurts from the Deed.
Andrew: At least you don't suffer from kennel time...
John (in pain): NO! FUCK YOU! WHAT THE FUCK! NO! No! Nonooonono...

by MikeySaysCowabunga October 21, 2014

kennel talk

Anything that could anger the future dictators of the world such as the nigalopaLords or that they deem worthy of sending you to the Kennels for saying

Random trash: I I think we should have a revolution against the nigalopalords. nigalopalords: I think that sounds like kennel talk take him away

by Nigalopalord January 7, 2020

Kennel Bitch

Synonyms with Kennel Technician. Lot's of poop scooping and cleaning of animal messes. Touching soiled laundry and risking losing fingers, while sticking your entire hand in dogs mouth with the intention to medicate. Constantly being scratched by overly excited dogs or pissed off pussies (aka Cats). Being treated like a butler by the doctors and technicians, "Do this", "Did you do it yet?", "Give Fluffy a bath now", "Are you sure you know how to feed a cat?" "Did you know how to scoop poop?" At the end of the day, you're likely to be covered in piss and shit or blood. Probably a combination of all three and be so tired you have to crawl out to your car. Yet...it's all worth it.



by Like_A_Virgin_HAHA_Yeah_Right March 22, 2018

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Jitterbug Kennels

Breeder of the best American Pit Bull Terriers (Bacon Shaka) that specialize in catching wild boar hogs.

Jitterbug kennels has the best American Pit Bull Terriers in the Nation.

by Bacon Shaka November 4, 2022

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get a kennel

A nice way to tell someone that their incessant display of affection for their dog or cat is causing you embarrassment as one who is forced to watch such display

You and that dog have been slobbering on each other for 10 minutes. Get a kennel!

by Linguistic January 28, 2012

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slang for a k9 police car.

cop action in which a police dog is used.

originates from the kennels used for house pets.

"you bill! Road kennel comin' up on your right!"

"ditch the drugs, man! the police always be rollin' in the road kennels in the crib."

by benbot877 January 24, 2008

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