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Klepto Friday

On Fridays, we steal things… Klepto Fridays can be defined as the last day of the work week during which folks are encouraged to filch items from businesses and public places to be shown off to friends and kept as trophies.

Friend: Dude why did you just hit the most devious lick on that preschool??!?

Me: Bro, relax. It’s Klepto Friday.

Friend: Facts dude, my bad. Nice toddler you’ve got there.

by Pablito Loco November 12, 2021

Intellectual Klepto

a coworker who steals the idea(s) of cowork of others and later presents them as their own.

1. I loved your graphic so much I copied it and used in in my ad, I am such an Intellectual Klepto.
2. John the Intellectual Klepto, wanted me to steal a web form from abc.com
3. I am such an Intellectual Kelpto, I stole this graph from bob's presentation.

by txSpiderman September 19, 2006

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klepto yeti

A large, hairy, and white male who possesses an almost snow-like complexion and has an unquenchable thirst for thievery. Commonly dwells in the more temperate southern regions of the world and is a relative of the northeastern yetty.

Blight! My jumpdrive's gone... damn klepto yeti must've ganked it when I went to the bathroom.

by That Nick Guy April 24, 2006

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n. a seemingly straight woman who makes a habit of stealing lesbian girlfriends of other lesbians, either for recurring hook-ups or one night stands
v. to steal (as a straight woman) a lesbian partner/girlfriend of another lesbian

Brenda says she loves her husband and kids, but she's a total klepto-snatch when she heads out to My Sister's Room.
That Brenda may be all smiles at the charter school board meeting, but if she tries to klepto-snatch Clarisse again I'm going to slap-jack that trick, Philly-style.

by Trick Lovedakids December 29, 2010


An auditory disease where speakers catch the accent of others and begin using it in their conversation.

When you were on the phone with North Carolina, your klepto-accentitis kicked in, and you said, "Ya'll need to hush up now" in a southern twang!

by Lorilynn December 3, 2010

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1. One who will beg borrow and steal to get cock.
2. a girl who steals another girls boyfriend.

Ex. Jolene is a striaght up cock-klepto. That trifilin ho stole brad from me !

by Nyneduce April 11, 2006

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disc klepto

one who steals disc excessively while at ultimate tournaments

Guy 1: Thats a fuckin' awesome disc, where did you find that thing?
Guy 2: I stole it from that Ultimate team while they weren't looking, I stole other discs from other teams too.
Guy 1: You're have a problem you disc klepto.

by nickalf February 2, 2009

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