Source Code

Knock-Knock Fest

The rapping of one's knuckles across perky breasts-a way to please yourself by drumming your hands on a girl's front. Arousal is usually expected.

Matt: "So how'd it go with Jack last night?"

Danielle: "Well, we had a bit of a knock-knock fest, and now I'm all sore. But he's in a better mood than ever!"

Matt: "Okay, then."

by Lord Blackness March 29, 2014

Knock knock soak

The act of farting a huge gift against the door of your bathroom while your lover takes a long steamy hot sexy bath

As emma lay in her candle lit bathroom, with the essential oils and epsom steam filling the air.... she heard a loud rancid Crunk at the door....

Oh not another knock knock soak she screamed.... as the smell of smylas fart seeped under the door

by Swooshbeast November 6, 2023

Ding-Dong Ding-Dong knock knock knock

No one's home. Rejected, GO HOME.

"I went to my mom's house to get eat some chicken wings and waffle fries, and i got ding-dong ding-dong knock knock knocked."

"I paid $250 on prom night and I got ding-dong ding-dong knock knock knocked. Apparently she doesn't dig the love handles or the snaggletooth

by batarange September 28, 2008

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Knock knock zoom zoom

When you knock on a random persons door then run away.

Bad kids in the neighborhood: β€œy’all wanna play knock knock zoom zoom”

Other kids: β€œyeaaaaa”

by Eat.toilet.paper0002 April 26, 2020

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Knock-Knock Cunt Punt

When a normal cunt punt is not deemed appropriate for a situation requring the maneuver must to be excuted with a maximum level of stealth refer to the Knock-Knock Cunt Punt. Approach the target and present them with a knock knock joke, once they engage and ask "who's there" proceed to execute a 50 yard cunt punt. This level of deception is immaculate and unavoidable.

Him: "Want to hear a knock knock joke??"
Her: "OFC!"
Him: "Knock Knock"
Her: "OMG OMG WHOS THERE!?!?!?!?!?!??!"

Him: ****Knock-Knock CUNT PUNT*****
Him: "Take that you dick fart!!!!!"

by shmitbzz69 March 10, 2022

knock knock jokes

Child play for quire little boys on a street corner excepting that they will turn into crackheads later on in life. Most of them have nothing to look forward to.

Come on Paul lets get some knock knock jokes up in dis joint.

by Obama leader of the Democrats December 16, 2014

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Knock knock poopy stomp

To do knock knock poopy stomp:

Step 1: Get a paper sandwhich bag with dog poop inside
Step 2: Put it on someone's doorstep

Step 3: Light it on fire
Step 4: Knock louldy on door
Step 5: Run!

The person will answer the door, see the fire and attempt to put it out by stepping in the dog poop!

Damn! Someone knock knock poopy stomped me again! Now I have to get another new pair of shoes!

by Space Dog January 11, 2011

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