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known you

another term for "f*** you." Can also be used as "known you up" in other words, "f*** you up" or even "knowned up."

Fool, I'll known you up if you don't stop talkin bout my momma!

by Malay October 13, 2007

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also known as

The best band in the world, after all the others thAT are better, from stoke on trent. www.alsoknownas.moonfruit.com

"wow did you go the also known as gig last night."
"no, man i cant beleive i missed it."
"i'd do anything see those guys"

by Th'Whack! April 29, 2005

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the known universe

like mind complete, finite; like the forseeable future that can be arranged, unimaginable in scope.

there're rules to it that're funny in thinking about going back on, however should you think you've succesfully actually done this, they'll be visited upon thee one hundred fold.

heart warming icelander bjork is one who somehow more than immediately springs to mind as an exponent of rules described above.

poet warlord john locke nominally realised these rules, but he didn't even have a house.

one nature of the known universe (courtesy of bjork): it's all around you.

another (courtesy of john locke): lest thee forgettin, covet not an ass lest your head be your only house unless it rains, so how willst the ass to you glorify all your worth.

well, there one has it. these crazy known universes and there chief exponents, i dunno, eh?

by silencut March 2, 2009

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Being known

Egh! ๐Ÿคข

Hym "Belgh! I hate being known. I can feel their grubby psychic monkey tendrils on me ๐Ÿคข And NO we are not 'the universe experiencing itself subjectively' you fucking hippie. Are you experiencing Saturn? How about the black hole at the center of the Galaxy? Huh? How's that treating you? I know you experience Uranus every time you speak out of it. Differentiated souls. Idiots! I swear!"

by Hym Iam July 27, 2022

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too known

someone whoโ€™s famous and/or a show off

Did you see those louboutins jessica wore to the party?

Yeah that girl sheโ€™s too known, she probably got it from a side babe

by trip made it March 8, 2021

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known noob

A noob so egregious in his offenses that he develops a reputation as a noob.

"Oh look! It's Lefty, the known noob from the TDA DotA: Allstars community! Get away before he sees us."

by someonewhoarekool November 22, 2008

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Well known striker

Alex Kingi-Booth

Marcos โ€œlook at Alexโ€™s shotโ€ Jule โ€œheโ€™s a well known strikerโ€ Marcos โ€œvery good my friendโ€

by Marcus rashford November 14, 2021