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Tactical Lunchable

A tactical lunchable is a better way of saying MRE

Instead of saying "Bro toss me the MRE" say "Bro toss me the tactical lunchable."

by El Chapi April 22, 2020

Eating Lunchables

When 2 or more people are kissinmg and it is loud resembling the sound of one eating lunchables

Franci was totally eating lunchables with Tavian last night.

by Spekasy July 10, 2017

lunchables kid

you always pack a little candy in with your lunch and your lunch usually consists of a sandwhich and some chips, also you were neglected as a child and your parents don't love you

You were always meant to be a lunchables kid

by September 1, 2023

lunchable pussy

I shaved pussy that is small and tight and cute inside of her tight juicy pussy lips

Hey look over there is a girl with a lunchable pussy

by Lunchable 2 December 23, 2015