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an extension of mother-fucker, when you're tired of the unchanging swearing word motherfucker, try madame fucker, it'll be a refreshing experience.

Wazzup, motherfucker.
yo, watch your mouth, or Imma fuk u up.
alright, madame-fucker.
that's better, bro

by ftynu October 20, 2010

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Madame Talarski

A figure of unfortunate circumstance whose antagonism ends with a reversal of fortune. An unexpected outcome in a perceived surety of circumstance.

Initially forced to hold his wife's umbrella, he was a Madame Talarski when the rains came.

by Matisz May 9, 2007

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Madam Margrave

A complete asshole. He is a pervert. Drinks children's tears.

Gosh he tried to hit on every girl there he's such a Madam Margrave.

by Farquad Starsquad November 22, 2014

Madame Dickherts

A fake name intended to sound like "My Damn dick hurts!"

Very funny.

Person 1: What's your name?

Person 2: Madame Dickherts

Person 1: What?

by Hamburger Plant June 1, 2009

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Madame Giry

A character in Phantom of the Opera. She is the ballet m i s t r e s s and mother of Meg Giry.

Madame Giry: "Christine Daae could sing it, Sir!"

by PhantomPhan December 31, 2005

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Madam Pipi

A self-proclaimed time travelling gypsy charlatan incarnated from the dust of Tankwa Town. She is a woman of arresting beauty and disconcerting radience. She is charming, mischievous, saucy, and has been certified by a team of expert alienists to be completely mad. The diagnosis indicates that on the Standard Spectrum of Madness she lies between a Hatter and a Sack of Cats.

Interestingly studies have shown that her fortune telling is in fact remarkably accurate, implying that while she claims to be a charlatan she is in fact not.

I first encountered Madam Pipi and her accomplice Tipsi Gypsi while strolling along Thomas street in Cambridge in 1664. They invited me to join them for refreshment in a nearby tavern. I awoke several days later to find myself lying in a gutter suffering from a strange alien malady. For a time I was able to perceive sound in the form of light and indeed other invisible vibrations, and vice versa. Also, to my surprise I found I could visualize fluxions in a multi-dimensional space unknown to me yet strangely familiar (Isaac Newton, 1773)

by AtoMick May 24, 2018

Nutty Madam

someone, usually female (often times it is hard to tell) who is fat and grossly obsessed with Twilight

Emily: Oh my god, did you see how Amanda freaked out when she saw the trailer for that New Moon movie?
Bria: Yeah, she's a total nutty madam!

by I Dont Like Twilight! <3 November 20, 2009

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