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A male human. Can be one of the following:

Man 1: Very average as a human. Likes sex more than the average woman, and doesn't think there's anything wrong with a strong woman. Very neutral.

Man 2: Bastard. Thinks men are the rulers of the earth, while women are simply meant to do all their cooking, cleaning, and cock-sucking. However, when a woman thinks women are superior or manipulates him, he gets mad and says all women are sluts. When a feminist criticizes him for his dick-headed opinions, he automatically labels her as a lesbian. Generally pretty stupid and easy to make a fool of.

Man 3: Either on the sweet side or neutral. Has more on his mind than sex. Unfortunately, is not into women.

Man 4: A REAL man. Is very sweet, when paired with the right woman, may be willing to please her almost to the point of servitude. Contrary to popular belief, this kind of man actually does exist. Often called "pussy-whipped" by other men. Unfortunately, many women do not understand what they have when they have this kind of man and may end up turning him into type 2.

Dovey: And what are your thoughts on strong women?
Man 1: I guess I don't think there's anything wrong with that. Women pretty much have been treated like crap since the beginning of time.

Man 2: Scrub the flo, bitch, then cook my dinner and give me some head!
Dovey: You lame excuse for a human. I feel as if talking to supercilious, fucktarded, machoistic piles of excrement such as yourself causes my IQ to decline.
Man 2: ... Suck my dick.
Dovey: No thanks, I'm not into beastiality.

Dovey: Well, you've been pretty polite throughout the time we've talked.
Man 3: Thank you, so have you.
Dovey: Justin Timberlake's a cute white boy.
Man 3: Meh, I prefer black guys.
Dovey: ...Dammit...

Man 4: (Actual quote) Woman: 1)what i live my life for.2) should be placed on a pedestal.3) the gender of the human race that will not love any of these perverts that write this horrible shit about them.4)everything a real man cares about
i would give everything i have for that woman.
Dovey: ...You are such a sweetie. The world would be a much better place with more men like you.

by Dove's Touch September 10, 2006

2802๐Ÿ‘ 2761๐Ÿ‘Ž


UK slang used by roadman to describe themselves in the third person

mans got bare p's

by 8648746378464444444444444444 May 11, 2020

2๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


some are sexst, and those should die die die, they are NOT superior, we are all equal, lots of them think they have to be masculine, but the good ones, respect women, and are great

this world is so fucked up

by nico February 7, 2005

2647๐Ÿ‘ 2766๐Ÿ‘Ž


A walking talking {dildo}.

Nah, I can't come. Staying home with the man tonight.

by theBigBubba January 24, 2007

2581๐Ÿ‘ 2792๐Ÿ‘Ž


A derogatory term for someone who is being unfair, stupid, idiotic, asshole-like, monstrous etc...
Man can refer to both males and females.

Ugh, he/she is such a man!
What a man!!!
Could he be any manlier!

by KittyKats123 March 18, 2008

5403๐Ÿ‘ 5958๐Ÿ‘Ž



person:Hey, whats a man?
person2::-O UR A PERV

by someone one on this site July 23, 2010

5288๐Ÿ‘ 5951๐Ÿ‘Ž


look under pervert

You're the man now dog!

by Shino September 10, 2007

5802๐Ÿ‘ 6677๐Ÿ‘Ž