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Marielle is one of the most sweetest, kindest person I've ever known. She is really confident and super sexy, she's extremely hot and will be amazing to you. She's good at makeup (like a professional makeup artist),she is really funny and will make u smile even if it's over a text.
If you know one don't let her go


Friend 1: oh did u see that girl she was so sexy
Friend 2: Ye that girl was a marielle

by Masonisamazing101 September 9, 2017

8๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


is short, and is Christian!!!!


...Marielle sent me another Christian tik tok.

by deez.nutz87 May 26, 2021



Mariel is an intorvert type of person.

by yeng02 June 8, 2021

15๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone worthy of supercoolness.

See "Supercool"

Marielle is so cool, she's supercool.

by Joey McSuperCool February 5, 2005

484๐Ÿ‘ 260๐Ÿ‘Ž


She is the best person ever! She's funny, weird, kind, incredibly athletic, and beautiful. She never over reacts, is super understanding, and everyone likes her. She is the best friend you could ask for. She tells u what she is thinking no matter what it is she is honest and will never say sorry unless she means it. She speaks multiple languages is very smart and logical. She has great hair and a great body and won't judge someone until she gets to know them. She is supportive in every way but is scared others aren't. She is a person you will never forget

Marielle is so awesome I always want to be around her!

by Sss000777 August 7, 2017

11๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


A dirty-minded, stupid but smart, funny fucking girl, and best friend for life. Sheโ€™s usually addicted to Bill Wurtz and will accidentally break your tv. Sheโ€™s amazing and donโ€™t let her go and she think sheโ€™s not beautiful but she is... so remind her. Her past was rough but she has so much support and is supportive and anything. Sheโ€™s probably high.

Me: โ€œMarielle is high again.โ€
Mom: โ€œShit get the shotgun, I see her.โ€

by fe1dspar July 19, 2019

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


Mariell is undoubtedly the most amazing person you can ever meet in your life. Mariell is no ordinary girl, she is very outgoing but can also be reserved. She is smart, funny, loyal, hardworking, dedicated, strong, kind, empathetic, and ambitious. If you ask her a question she will give her honest answer, Mariell is as blunt as it gets! Mariell's beauty is equivalent to a greek goddess, making her a natural heartbreaker. If you find a Mariell, never let go of her!

I love you Mariell.

by fab8787 May 10, 2020