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Marshmellow twat

A Creative word for when someone who gets easily offended, gets salty and/or upset, over something somebody said.

"man, it was just a joke you marshmellow twat!"

by RanelsonZero June 11, 2020

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marshmellow kabob

When a man slides large marshmellows over his cock for another person to eat. Can be one marshmellow or how many can fit.

Ryan: Hey amanda i made you a marshmellow kabob!

Amanda: Yum.

Ryan: make sure you get all the sticky residue afterwards, last time the sugar made my cock stick to my boxers.

by Discordia Foxwater December 20, 2011

yellow marshmellow

when a guy pisses in a chicks tampon and it inflates to a disgusting, soft yellow mass, usually happens in the act of banging a chick with her periods and pissing inside her.

"yeah i went to slam my bitch but she had her rags so i gave her a yellow marshmellow instead

by james November 17, 2003

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vagina marshmellows

A very soft and fluffy vagina, possibly used as food.

"Oh wow, look at those vagina marshmellows on the field."
"Damn, I wanna be drowned in them some day."
"Don't worry... That's how I will die."

by NexusDestroyers February 11, 2008

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Roasting marshmellows

When you stick your balls into a girls vagina, warming them up to a comfy temperature.

"dude did you hook up with that chick last night?"
"No, but she let me roast my marshmellows...it was kind of cool"

"I caught crabs from Roasting marshmellows with that Hooker"

by Big Petey May 11, 2009

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shit marshmellows

to shit marshmellows is when you hear some fantastic news that gets u so excited u could litterally shit marshmellows

i swear im so excited i could shit marshmellows!!

by toostr82bgay December 24, 2004

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Appalachian Marshmellow

Having unprotected sex through a hole in a sheet while making sounds like yeti and having "Hello, My Name Is" tags afixed to your forehead.

"I just had an Appalachian Marshmellow and boy am I worn out!"

by Bigfootinyoass May 10, 2012