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The media loves to tell people who the good people are and who the bad people are.

The media combines a few half truths with a lot of bullshit.

by Solid Mantis January 12, 2021


The plural of medium. It should never be used as a singular. The sentence "The media is biased" is grammatically similar to "The dogs is barking" or "The children is playing". Radio is a communications medium, a newspaper is a medium, etc. Collectively they are called "The Media".

The media are biased.
DVD and Blu-Ray are my favorite video media.

by GrammarNut October 18, 2010

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Multi Ethnic Destruction In America

a source of information that many take at face value. some truths are told, some are lies. im not saying all media lies to control us, but everyone has some sort of bias and the media does as well. learn to hear/read/watch the media and form your own conclusions, dont blindly follow and dont blindly reject because lets face it, none of us have first hand knowledge for everything.

by Rokai May 3, 2014

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access media

1.) Corporate advertisers posing as journalists who try to pass off their reviews, commentary, and other content as unbiased reporting. So long as their coverage is positive, they are rewarded with access to things like press junket parties, film sets, celebrity interviews, and early access to things like theme park rides or video game releases.

2.) Synonym of shill.

"Hey, did you read that story on the rides at Galaxy's Edge on Collider? They totally loved Smugglers Run. I wanna go renew my Season Pass!"

"Collider? Those guys are access media. I'll wait for a review from someone who doesn't bend the knee to Emperor Mickey."

by David St.John Smythe June 5, 2019

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Social Media

Social Media is a generalization to many device software that connects users via the internet. In many instances these include posting, tagging, etc. As well as a connection between people, it doubles as a popularity scheme. Many people can achieve and/or obtain more fame and fortune via social media through awareness and recognition. As well as larger "idols" on these platforms, others in small communities and/or groups can also compare numbers and counts of popularity via "followers" that may change the perception of a certain person. Either putting them on a high pedestal or ruining their social life (leads to this in many cases due to irreverence and the lack of understanding of how to not be a narcissist). Apart from communication and popularity social media doesn't have much. Although to sharpen these two aspects of these software, you must spend long amounts or be sucked into spending long amounts of time on it. This is shown through newer generations, always caring about their self-image, correlating it with self-worth. Concluding this, Social Media and all that regarding of, is a pure waste of time, time that could be spent sharpening skills required more then being popular in life.

I spent 15 hours on Social Media and now I feel like garbage.

by SANESSSS February 14, 2019

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Social Media

Truly an awful place. Never before could you see how much of a stupid dopamine addicted attention whore the people you thought were cool are. All SNSs are awful in their own way but naturally the awful people their SNS is known for will argue with you about how the others are worse.

Twitter: A social media site where all the people you thought were reasonable can gather to share their stupidity and smear it onto your face.
Reddit: A social media site where all the people you thought were funny can gather to share their belief in how smart they are and smear it onto your face.
4chan: A social media site where all the people you thought were just weird can gather to share their smarts but more importantly, use them to be idiotic creeps.
Instagram: A social media app where all the people you thought were shallow airheads can gather to share they are, indeed, shallow airheads.
Discord: A social media site where all the people you thought were cool can gather to share their desperation for social contact (see e-dater) and lack of good things, or anything at all, to do. Or just be pedophiles.
Tumblr: A social media site where all the people you think are annoying can gather to regurgitate each others' thoughts and confirm how annoying they are.
Facebook: Idek anymore.

by QueenMaxine March 13, 2019

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Media Fakery

The means by which people can be deceived by false information.

At its most basic this could be as simple as an individual lying about their age on a facebook page. More commonly the term is connected with Mass media & the deceptions they engage in. For instance in 2014 the media promoted a 'shocking' video of a Syrian boy braving sniper fire to rescue a little girl from ISIS sniper fire. It was then later revealed that the whole video was a staged sequence shot in Malta by Norwegian director Lars Klevberg.

'Eyewitness' testimony can also be faked; for instance in 2013 the Kenyan star quoted an 'anonymous Doctor' who stated that he saw terrorists performing bizarre tortures upon the hostages of the Westgate shopping Mall attack. Nowadays the claim that there even were hostages has been dropped.

Media fakery has been going on for a long time perhaps most amusingly with the 'Cottingley Fairies'. A series of (obviously) fraudulent photographs that were pushed by the media (& various celebrities of the day) in 1917. The photos created a controversy that lasted until the mid 1970's!
Media skeptics regularly point out the use of green-screening, CGI, actors, fake 'experts' etc as well as the absurdity of some of the claims made by the media (ISIS using bombs filled with live scorpions for example).

Hmm she seems strangely happy considering her child was just brutally murdered... could this event be an example of media fakery?

by Psyop clues April 22, 2015

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