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ZOMG, you're stepping on my brain!

An expression used when somebody says/writes something so utterly stupid or banal it actually makes your brain hurt.

"I love blinking, I do."

"ZOMG, you're stepping on my brain!"

by Tramned October 10, 2009

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Burst my head/ brains

A phrase used to express great disbelief, shock, excitement, surprise or any heightened emotions.

"Bro, these Jordans are so fucking mad!! BURST MY HEAD/ BRAINS"

by cAsted November 8, 2017

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brained my damage

The Famous Words Of Homer Simpson. Also refers to a drunken man or woman who has hurt their Frontal lobe section. Or stuck a crayon up their nose and hit their brain.

"Dope! I think I brained my damage" "Hunny, My damage is brain"

by Fat Ass-Jenny May 22, 2008

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My Last Two Brain Cells

A description of what remains of oneโ€™s mind after slogging through excessive work, living on low sleep or poor nutrition, or dealing other peopleโ€™s bullshit.

Wow, I did nothing but grind on schoolwork from August to December. My last two brain cells are going to play some Minecraft.

My last two brain cells are running on Chicken McNuggets for breakfast and 3 hours of sleep, so I probably wonโ€™t be able to finish the report by the deadline.

My boss whines every day about how lazy I am, even though I work 80 hours a week. My last two brain cells are not cut out for this shit.

by WeAlsoDoSomeTrolling October 28, 2022

shut up, my one brain cell is working very hard right now

When you go too school and they ask you " what is 3x*9g/7^r.33333333333333333333" then goes over to your desk and says "HURRY UP LARRY THE ANSWER IS DO AT THE END OF CLASS"

Teacher: " what is 3x*9g/7^r.33333333333333333333"

You: Shut up, my one brain cell is working very hard right now!!!

by greencreeper244 March 20, 2018

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My brain had an abortion

It's when you're about to to have a Thought Baby, but lose it.

A: "I almost had it but then my brain had an abortion."
B: "what?"
A: "I was about to have a Thought Baby, but then my brain had an abortion
B: "Ahh, I see. I hate when that happens"

by Sloth Lord July 29, 2018

lost my brain

Being stupid high.

we smoked a fat blunt and i lost my brain

by iamscotter October 18, 2019