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well slam my butt hole

Used instead of Holy Shit

Look at that train. Well slam my butt hole that train just crashed.

by Well slam my butt hole 101 November 21, 2013

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oh my god my butt hole

When a girl thinks a guy is so hot she realizes she'd probably even let him in her butt

Friend: what was your first impression of Isaiah
Friend 2: honestly, oh my god my butt hole
Isaiah: Damn. Really? I fucked that one up

by the funny one April 4, 2020

Heart dropped out of my booty hole

When you get scared or spooked and it feels like your heart fell out of your body.

Omg, my heart dropped out of my booty hole.

by Liz Poobrain January 21, 2023

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Checking my eyelids for holes

A process in which one would lay down (bed optional) and would simply close one's eyes to check one's eyelids for holes. This process takes a usual 7 to 8 hours for the punctuality freak but takes longer depending on how lazy one is. Also depends on the amount of alcohol one has consumed. Even comes as a good excuse when caught performing this process at work, class or behind the wheel.

Example 1
Dude 1: Dude you almost hit that grandma!

Dude 2: Sorry dude, I was checking my eyelids for holes.

Example 2
Dude 1: Well this party was awesome! I'm gonna go check my eyelids for holes. *falls to ground*

Dude 2: Night dude.

Dude 1: Night.

by Crash569 August 13, 2010

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my big hole

what everyone think Ballo says in the song the Bear Necessities

I couldn't be fonder up my big hole

by darkclaw wolfgod May 7, 2023

salmon my hole

the strung together letters of SMH; a phrase describing the action of shoving dried fish up someones ass

"dude jacob is so not gnarly, we should commit 'salmon my hole' on him."

by squares pears am i right? September 12, 2023

Teasing my holes

When a male rubs his dick around the vaginal holes, teasing u

Oml stop teasing my holes

by Ok three timesπŸ‘ŒπŸΎπŸ‘ŒπŸΎπŸ‘ŒπŸΎ September 29, 2017