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new age fag

Someone born in the 2000's who is in turn faggy.

WOW, see that new age fag blasting his music out of his Bluetooth speaker in public? what a loser.

by charliebbean1 February 3, 2017

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New Age Nerd

The New Age Nerd is a person who has interests in , and are very knowledgeable of, anime, manga, video games, cartoons and comic books. Although they may be categorized under the nerd title, they are far from it. They are fashionable in some cases, play sports, can get attractive women, and are generally accepted by most social groups.

Brian: "I Just don't understand how Johnny is able to pull in such a good looking girl like Alice when he plays fucking Pokemon..."

Andy: "That's what I call a New Age Nerd my nigga."

by Lord Sasuke July 15, 2014

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New age indian

Urban indians that follow more new age ways over traditional

Look at that new age indian with all them crystal s and patchouli

by Nativewicasa September 18, 2018

new age stoner

A younger individual that does not abide by the look and mantra/culture of the beatnik and is replaced with more normal American clothing, inovated tools, and strains. The outlook is an unconstrained critical thinker with goals of being a progressive Libertarian excelling in business,art, and human communication with the marijuana being only to be part of the experience not the entirety of the persons thoughts and actions.

โ€œDude, you rolled that joint in a second with that machine!โ€
โ€œYeah, Itโ€™s because im a new age stonerโ€

by NomoreTommyChongs October 11, 2017


A deceased Tumblr blog, but while it was alive it was totally rad. Might return in the near future.

A: Damn did you see the blog, new-age-art?
B: Yeah! I heard it got shut down though.
A: really? That sucks, m8
B: yeah it does

by Max the Blogger July 21, 2013

New-Age Flakes

People who believe in conspiracy theories and/or want to overthrow the Powers That Be. These people differ from right-wing militia types; tending to be the more peaceful and the hippie-esque branch of the culture. They present as non-assuming & are often disaffected liberals who just believe they are getting closer to The Truth.

Q: โ€œDo you think weโ€™ll get into the venue to see David Icke speak on the New World Order?โ€
A: โ€œI donโ€™t know if we look like the proper kind of New-Age flakes...โ€

by gutter_yt April 18, 2020

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New Age Feminist

A woman who fights against the discrimination women face in the workplace and other facets of society. This woman is educated, confident, and wants to help other women break free from the meek, polite, and apologetic tendencies they have been taught by society.

Unlike the old notion of feminism, the new age feminist does not demand to be treated the same way as a man. She demands that the differences between men and women are recognized, understood, and accommodated for.

This woman is not completely career-minded. She may have children or someday want children. A new age feminist knows there is great joy in both a career and a family. And she is entitled to both.

Special treatment is NOT what the new age feminist is looking for. She is looking for respect in the work place when she deserves it.

This woman is a HUGE advocate for the proper and respectable treatment of women who become pregnant, take maternity leave, and wish to continue nursing when returning to work. She believes we need to fight for the women who have their promotions and job security threatened by employers because a woman may become pregnant.

She also believes in marriage. BUT, a husband should not be depended on. A woman needs to be confident, independent and educated, regardless of whether she plans to launch into a career or stay home to raise her children. A woman should not just marry someone and expect to be "Taken care of".

New age feminist vs. the old Feminist:Oprah vs. Martha Stewart
-While both are powerful, accomplished women, one is known to be more of a jerk than the other. Oprah lives an example that a woman can make it to the top, be confident and respected, but still be kind to others and maintain her womanhood while she is doing it. Martha Stewart has many not so nice things said about her. Both got to the top. Both did it differently.

If men were the ones having babies from the beginning of time, there would be comfortable maternity leave accommodations and benefits. But since women are the ones "newer" to the work force the last hundred years, accommodations have not been made across the nation.

Laws that encourage mothers to continue nursing through the first year are glorious victories in the work place. More state labor departments need to work to get these accommodations. Setting aside a private room for pumping during the day encourages nursing. Science proves that babies who are breast-fed tend to become sick less often. This is a BENEFIT to employers who are supplying insurance benefits to the family. Healthier babies= less insurance used and less sick days taken by employees.

Women give birth. There is no way around it. Without it, society stops. Women should not be punished for being women.

Women should not worry if they will lose their job or forfeit a promotion if they take a maternity leave.

by Working moma May 15, 2011

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