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Niall is da man and dat, never seen a man bick back a meal so big and with such ease. Big Ups


Speaker 1( Unknown) :Ayyyoo who smacked that big entire big pesto pasta,

Speaker 2 (Gandhi): Thats gots to be the boy Niall, big up the mandems.

by Niall_Kearney 2021 November 23, 2021


An Example Of An Epic Guy

Niall Likes Sport. Says DEEZ NUTS a lot.

by Rkoouttanowhere June 13, 2015

8πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


A man with big blue ocean eyes you could just stare in for hours, he loves cuddles and his huge penis will never disappoint you in the bedroom

"My boyfriend is so perfect"
"OMG hes such a Niall"

by xLaughing December 15, 2019

3πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


a boy who usually can't make up his mind about which girl he wants.He chooses his second love to comfort him after his rejection from the first girl.Requires constant attention from girls but due to the fact he's not good looking he doesn't get too far.

Niall will lie his way out of any trouble he gets himself into blaming anyone possible but himself.really he plays everyone off eachother and stops his girlfriend from doing things which he feels is appropriate to be doing himself.

when someone "pulls a when niall" ,
they are pulling the paranoid creep of a boyfriend who thinks he's above the world and has the right to do stuff he doesnt allow others to do.
*e.g. "woah..that guys such a niall..she should dump him"

by aniallaters March 29, 2009

116πŸ‘ 302πŸ‘Ž


Niall,A man With A Very Small Penis.

WoW Look Tiny Ass Dick,It Must Be Niall

by Big D 40000000000000000000000 February 18, 2016

7πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


Nipple licking motherfucker who lives a bitta πŸ†...
Not gay but always says don’t knock it till you try it...
Has a woman atm but things could change
Never knocks down a fiddle with his sister either.....

Don’t be a niall

by 1294558 July 25, 2019

2πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Niall is a very handsome Irish boy. He is extremely popular. He has big brown eyes and dark , jet-black hair. All the girls like him.He is skinny and likes girls who have a big ass , big boobs , is kind and is smart. He especially likes girls called Siena or Vanessa . He is a quadruple threat , meaning that he has a handsome face , is kind , is smart and has a long dick. He hates bullies and will do anything to protect his loved ones. Unfortunately he always has one friend who tries to eat his glory.

Girl 1: OMG Niall SAID HI TO ME TODAY !!
Girl 2: OMG !!!!!
Girl 3: To bad that he likes Siena....

by Maximillian Mus November 1, 2019

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž