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Worth a sniff

Someone who is worth getting with, whether on a night out or simply down the local park

Josh: see that girl over there?
Matt: yeah?
Josh: Do you reckon she's worth a sniff?
Matt: Yes mate, sniff away

by Braderz657 January 10, 2017

40๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Worth a straw

Someone who doesn't go through with his or her plans.

A coward or someone who doesn't take risks.

Awulian: I tried to play Tennis with Andy yesterday, but, he told me he came to look around the court for lost money.

Cahill: He is worth a straw, he is worthless, he slept all day while we were on a camping trip last month.

by Agutkeu August 23, 2011

Not Worth a Wank

To describe a situation or occasion beneath ones-self, comparable to being beneath ones lowest level of masturbation.

An act that does not live up to expectation

John: Hey bill, have you seen that new horror movie, ya know the one that's really sick?

Bill: Yeah Ive seen it and trust me its 'not worth a wank'

by Myerpheus February 16, 2012


(adjective) Worthwhile; perceived as possessing some value or significance by another party.

The types of people who would resent you for your salary are not worth-a-dang people.

by Pete Calleri June 18, 2008

53๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fort Worth

Fort Worth is the fifth-largest city in the state of Texas and the seventeenth-largest city in the United States. Situated in North Texas and a cultural gateway into the American West, Fort Worth covers nearly 300 square miles.

It went from a sleepy outpost to a bustling town when it became a stop along the legendary Chisholm Trail, the dusty path where millions of cattle were driven North to market. Fort Worth became the center of the cattle drives, and later, the ranching industry. Its location on the Old Chisholm Trail, helped establish Fort Worth as a trading and cattle center and earned it the nickname "Cowtown."

Fort Worth is a city.

by samifers December 6, 2008

285๐Ÿ‘ 57๐Ÿ‘Ž

it's worth it for...the wall

The perspective of the privileged and out-of-touch, that any sacrifice can be justified in order to satisfy an unrealistic, expensive and ineffective Presidenial campaign promise.

I haven't gotten a paycheck for weeks, can't afford my insulin injections, food for my family, car payment or rent. But it's worth it for...the Wall. Right?

by YAWA January 25, 2019

29๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

for what it's worth

Usually said at the beginning of the sentence when someone is about to say something he or she believes is worth saying.

For what it's worth, I'll be there.

by I like lauren January 13, 2011

180๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž