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I like the positive influence spin better:)

Not completely random meaning: I was asking the questions based on trying to answer a question… who are you? I think I figured it out. Sorry, for the roller coaster ride…

I am usually not sad, but I am.

Remember when I got sad because posts were deleted. I was positive it was him.

There were posts there is no way it could not have been. Then the numbers… the eyes. The moments… but now there are posts I don’t understand that make my head spin… do I just not understand them because I don’t understand them or is it I wasn’t meant to understand them…

Could I have been wrong all this time? My heart says no way!!! My head remembers what are you talking about, accessories, pictures… the delete…

Now the numbers no longer move…
Which makes me even more blue…
Tomorrow was going to be another olive juice debut…
A smile I don’t think I can do…

Regardless if my head or heart is right…
It doesn’t change my love for him
That is what I need to remember…
And of course to always believe…

I know him I will always see …
At night in my dreams

by My heart is stuck on you 🩹!❤️U November 1, 2023

8👍 14👎

My oh my

Has same meaning as "Oh my gawd!!!" but for the atheists

Also this is very useful to end the conversation that you want to avoid.

Holden : I ran 10 Miles today cuz I missed that damm bus.
Me: My oh my..


by Keepsantacruzweird November 20, 2019

15👍 2👎


myspace, the obesssion of ike going to myspace to check his "fan mail". But really he is just going to find another chick asking him for computer advice. He struck out again.... poor ike.

ike: "go on myspace, check if i got any fan mail."

jasn: "sup ike"

ike: "what up my nigies"

sami: "spoon bish with the shaved door handles"

by gay carl November 25, 2004

24👍 38👎


Posts aren’t showing up!!! Even from

Yesterday :(

I had a good one today too! I may repeat myself if it posts… but it was so good I can’t risk it not posting.

Awhile back we had a golf competition that you lost… there may be some minor details on you admitting to your loss, but in the end, I won. I have waited to state what I wanted for my win…

I would like to collect ❤️ I want YOU!!! If I can’t have you right now, then I want in your arms.

Name the date and time for me to collect my winnings ❤️❤️❤️

This totally came into my mind today!!!

I want to be in your arms!!!!

Side note: once I am in your arms, I don’t know if I will cry or babble first…
I just want YOU! It sucks having all this love and not being able to show YOU!

I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!

If there was an audio to UD and heard me say I love you, you would hear it… my love for YOU!

There are so many things I love about you!!! I don’t know how to say them while still being discreet… I see everything!!!!

Btw.. I hope your cold is better.,, I do have a sauna ❤️

by The love you bring out in me😍😍 February 5, 2023

11👍 13👎


Everything is so sad!
I constantly stare blankly

Trying to figure it out.. why? What did I do or say? Is your “naughty step” because you need time to think about if you want “soon” with me?

Tears are the only thing that move..
Smile… I try, but my heart is crushed

I stare more… missing the meowing at cat food, missing my heart and mind flying in glee, missing my one… YOU!

I saw you today… if you only knew how badly I want you to hold me, tell me you love me and that everything is going to be okay… my how happy that would make me!!!

I love you!

by The love you bring out in me😍😍 March 4, 2023

7👍 13👎


Astrological sign… the same as yours:)

Some of your posts appear you have hit a funk. What are the options:
1) you can be sad about not having her love,
2) you can be thankful for this love you get to experience

3) you can be thankful and dream of one day this love you can share with her

Love like this you can’t stop. As much as it hurts not having him/her near, you still are going to love them… I went years never experiencing this level of love!!! There have definitely been times I should have said I am an idiot and need to stop loving him, but I can’t. My heart literally has chosen him… my head too actually… but totally he has some grrs coming.

I understand if you need to be quiet and not on here. Just know if you need someone to listen, I have two ears… well, I guess two eyes would be more fitting.

You questioned my park reference… it doesn’t have to be a place:)
Remember positive…
I promise the negative will consume you!!

by U are my words, poems❤️❤️❤️❤️ September 1, 2023

11👍 23👎


Michael-(last names)Yee, You, Young, Yeung, etc.

"MY is in school today"

by diction February 27, 2003

37👍 97👎