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open up shop

At the track totally dominating the competition with the best setups.

JHM and VAST going to the track and they open up shop on AWE/GIAC

by Jason Harbinson August 17, 2007

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open up a butcher shop

When two people are going to have a disagreement. As in, "there's enough beef between us to open up a butcher shop".

Mike: Oh shit, Bobby stole Jimmy's girl.
Dan: Those guys are going to open up a butcher shop.

by LaffeyTaffy June 15, 2012

Open up a bag of chips

the odor of a fart; to foul up the air

Damn man, did you open up a bag of chips?

by Phunhog February 4, 2009

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Open up a can of whoop-ass

What 'The Rock' does.

Rock:I'm gonna open up a can of whoop-ass on you

by anonymous N June 26, 2009

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opening up a can of whoop ass

To unleash fury and anger, in the form of whooping ass

When Tom found out his friend Bill was nailing his girl, he solved the issue by opening up a can of whoop ass on Bill.

by EatingTacosRightNow January 3, 2016

Open up a can of dumb-ass

the self-inflicting nature of opening your mouth and saying things that are way out of line and inappropriate in respect to your current locale or circumstances; can also be doing some seriously stupid shit for your age.

Open up a can of dumb-ass: We went to the job site to complete our mission, but then our hosts opened up a can of dumb-ass by making a bunch of sexists remarks in front of one of our female teammates. That’s when we left the site, not before telling them that we will come back when they can act a bit more professional.

by unIMPpresseddd May 7, 2022

Knock Knock Open Up The Door It's Bork

Bork's name added to DMX's song "X Gon' Give It To Ya"

Knock knock open up the door it's BORK!

by Borkems91 April 7, 2010

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