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1. An abundance of available, tappable poon.
2. Gettin' it done 42+ times a week.
3. Heaven

Scott: Damn, this poon-drought sucks. I haven't gotten laid in weeks.
Matt: Tell me about it, this calls for a POON-A-PALOOZA!!!!!

by Matt and Scott September 17, 2007

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when you just cant get the motivation to get out of bed, so you repeatedly hit the snooze button

jessica was working so late last night, this morning she did not feel like getting out of the bed for work. so instead she went to snooze-a-palooza

by danger-d October 14, 2009

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Jul-A-Palooza (noun): an international, multi-day festival celebrating good health, good friends and good times.

This being its first official year of celebration, highlights will include games, dancing, trips to the French Riviera, ripping Absinthe and many other forms of drunken debauchery. So for those of you reading at home, take a moment to reflect during this holiday weekend, hug the person nearest to you (regardless of whether or not you know them) and celebrate yourself retarded.
*incessant photography, sing-alongs, unnecessary speeches and sleep-overs are encouraged.

credited to julie sevelovitz, lauren esposito and colleen dalton

Happy mother fuckin jul-a-palooza!!!

by jul-a-palooza March 6, 2008

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palooza day

A day that doesn't feel like any certain day of the week.

Kelly: "It doesn't feel like Friday."
Samantha: "It doesn't feel like any day."
Kelly: "Today's a palooza day."

by Megan Klingler May 26, 2008

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The act of people getting together and laughing at stupid, rather irrelevant stuff. When one person says something funny, and the other adds on until it becomes unbearably funny.

Draco:"Hey! Where is my aunt and my mum?"
Sev:"They are having a Lol-A-Palooza over soem fanfictions."

by Ciss<3 June 19, 2010

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kitty palooza

When all the felines in a household are in the same area at the same time. only occurs in a home with 6+ cats.

I was so baked last night and all of the cats came in my room, it was a mother luvin kitty palooza!

by iiTSdahlynYO August 10, 2010


an excessive gathering of friends who's sole purpose of congrgating is to party and enjoy the largeness of life.

the party at the monks house was a large-a-palooza.

by mandebudd1960 September 25, 2012

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