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Extra Cellular Perception

The phenomenon that occurs with your cell phone when you hear it ring or feel it vibrates right before you receive a call.

Mike: "Holy hell!"

Pete: "What?"

Mike: "I felt my phone go off, then I got a call. It's like I have extra cellular perception!"

by Randy 440 January 29, 2008

textual sensory perception

The tendency to take your cell phone out of your pocket just as you are about to receive a text.

Hey, I don't have any mess-- Woah, I just got a text from Craig! I have textual sensory perception, man.

by Nuju September 15, 2010

Artificial Sensory Perception

Artificial Sensory Perception (ASP): the ability of an artificial intelligence system to perceive and respond to sensory input from its environment.

The robot was programmed with artificial sensory perception, allowing it to detect changes in temperature and react accordingly.

by Phieyl January 30, 2023

Extra Cigarette Perception

When two people decide they want a cigarette at the same time.

How did you know I wanted a cigarette too? You must have Extra Cigarette Perception!

by WBB115PSU October 13, 2010

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mystic eyes of death perception

Extremely over-powered super natural ability that allows the user to kill anything in excistance by percieving the targets point/lines of death. These lines/points can be seen on the object/person the user is trying to kill. This ability is limited to what the user can percieve, as such the user cannot kill things or entities that can a: not be killed or b: cannot be percieved. If it has an end, it can be ended. There are so far only two users of this ability in the type-moon universe: Shiki Tohno and Shiki Ryouga.

Mystic eyes of death perception

by neko_riddles April 16, 2009

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TSP: Textra Sensory Perception

Textra Sensory Perception--When you know that you get a text right before you do, or when you are get a text from the same person you had immediately before decided to text.

I have TSP: Textra Sensory Perception -- I KNEW that my gf was going to text me, and a half a second later, she did!

by Shiloticus2 November 1, 2011


It is a mixture of perceive and acceptance The exact definition is: The ability of an honest and open mind to accept that higher thought which it perceives even though it goes against all traditional thought. This is a concept I developed some 50 years ago.. Otis D. Ritch, Choctaw Indian Author, Spiritual Adviser, Philosopher.

to truly seek to know higher truths one must have perceptance. Perceptance is something the

Great Spirit gives one who is trying to grow spiritually and to develop a greater soul growth. To gain higher truth one must have perceptance.

by Otis D. Ritch February 1, 2022