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pork sword pneumonia

The act of burying your giant pork sword deep into some random whores wind pipe. After achieving balls deep impact, you blow a massive load of man chowder into her waiting lung. Thus, causing her to develop a sudden bout of pork sword pneumonia.

I dragged home some local tavern ham the other night and absolutely wrecked her mouth with my sweaty thunder sausage . Mabel was looking for a good time, but now she’s just hoping to recover from her nasty case of pork sword pneumonia!

by Truckertittycity January 27, 2018

pork sword reward

The bounty your horny girlfriend recieves at the end of the night.

She just couldn't wait for that pork sword reward last night...

by Cock Neck July 29, 2012

21πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Pork Sword Swallower

One who enjoys partaking in the pleasures of having a man's penis frequently in his or her mouth. They are usually quite passionate with their hobby of engulfing miles of manmeat.

My girlfriend Bonnie does a great dissapearing act when she swallows all of my juicy cock. She is a stupendous pork sword swallower, and does it with such vigor and professionalism. A real go getter.

by Craven Snatch January 8, 2009

321πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž

pork sword warroir

A pork sword warrior is a male who picks up women for sexual activities regularly

guy who is always chasing women is a pork sword warrior

Example should include the word "pork sword warroirβ€œ A pork sword warrior is a guy picks up and has sex with heaps of women" That guy is always fucking heaps of bitches man he's a β€œpork sword warrior”

by auzzieboi78 July 26, 2010

56πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Pork Sword Dreaming

To fantasize about the purchase of a luxury item or expensive gadget that realistically you can't afford. Especially relevant if you have been discussing the item with a friend in a serious or semi-serious manner.

"Hey Man you going to get that huge TV you were talking about?"

"Nah Man, I was just Pork Sword Dreaming"

by PSDreamer April 8, 2007

20πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Pork Sword fighter

One who uses his heat-seeking-moisture-missle to fend off an intruding mutton dagger.

Holy Crap, Did you see those faggots playing PORK SWORD FIGHTER?

by Big Aaron Kyle October 22, 2003

238πŸ‘ 91πŸ‘Ž

Pining For The Pork Sword

When a woman is in serious need of penetration by cock.

Dolan: Hey Fav, what did you and the locals do last nite?
Fav: We flared a couple of fatties on Inn Street and then went to The Grog to watch some band.
Dolan: What up with the chick scene?
Fav: Mostly local MILFs out pining for the pork sword.
Dolan: You do any clam stabbing?
Fav: Did some finger banging behind The Thirsty Whale, not much else.
Dolan: Typical nite in the port.
Fav: Yup.

by Fav May 2, 2008

24πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž