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Probably Gay

When somebody didnโ€™t outright say they were gay, but inside you KNOW. You just feel it inside your soul and in your essence that they are indeed gay. Wether the subject knows it or not, you can feel how gay they are. (Gay being the umbrella LGBTQ+)

I know she hasnโ€™t said it yet, but that girl in cabin 18 is probably gay.

by TheMomHomO June 4, 2019

8๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

probable cause

The "law" that allows cops to unjustly arrest minorities in America.

Cop: Look! there's a black guy sitting in the park! Probable cause says must be a drug dealer.

Black guy: gets arrested

by bambino123 May 25, 2011

10๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

Probably my Biceps

pronoun- antecedent is always "biceps"
Expression used for the sake of being used; has lost most of original meaning
Origin- Speculated to have been coined by Theodore Roosevelt, as he was known to have an extremely well developed upper body.

"Knock Knock"
"Who's there?"
"Probably my biceps"
*swooning and possible copulation ensues*

by Jessetotallydidnotmakethis February 8, 2013

You're Probably Right

A phrase used to dodge the blame and embarrassment associated with getting an answer wrong.

Jack: "I know that girl her name is Cindy"

Joe: "She's my neighbor, her name is Angela"

Jack: "You're probably right"

by Therightwordsareeverything January 28, 2011

8594๐Ÿ‘ 1376๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hate You Probably

The act of befriending celebrities on Twitter to secure famous birthday wishes.

I Hate You Probably'd TPain, he's totally going to wish me a happy birthday next week.

by Princess Muffintop March 31, 2011

18๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Super Probably Level

A stupid ass level in the game Geometry Dash, specifically made to be confusing and with gameplay similar to that of a shit stain on a toilet and decoration that's purposefully made to hide all of the obstacles in a level and hurt your eyes. Currently in the extended demon list at around the 100 - 150th place range. Often considered to be a fun level to learn and practice and has even sparked a remaster of sorts in the form of "Maybe Possibly Thing".

1. Hey man I finally beat super probably level last week.

2. Oh shit, how many fingers am I holding up?

1. Uhm, 13?

by SomeoneWhoLikesSuperProbablyLe January 31, 2021

Waifu Probability Potential

The Waifu Probability Potential (WPP) refers to the chances that any particular form of media (mainly visual such as anime or video games) will have someone worthy enough to be your waifu. It is especially useful when trying to describe why you like a particular show or game when you do not in fact actually like the show, but rather just the character(s) in it. At the time of this writing there is no universally accepted standard for the WPP, but the potential itself of the Waifu Probability Potential as a universal metric cannot be overlooked.

The way I find anime, is I go on 4chan or /r/anime_irl and find the sauce to any anime girl that looks like she'd make a great waifu. These girls can then be said to have a high Waifu Probability Potential. They are not yet my waifu, but based on their appearance and my tastes in 2-D women, the probability or potential is then there, thus the WPP.

"What do you mean you don't know why you like Sword Art Online? Everyone knows its a bad anime!"
"Just look at Asuna though! Her WPP is through the roof!"

by Mozzarellah May 1, 2017

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