Source Code

Putting out the Vibe

Placing one leg on a platform and turning over your shoulder with a seductive look on your face.

Justin thinks he is good at putting out the vibe.

by bitchpleasenowme January 31, 2009

10๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Put Out Trophy

The honorary trophy a fertile lass receives 9 months after having unprotected sex during ovulation. In layman's terms, a baby.

Bradley: Ronny, Ronny, remember that killer house party at Miguel's last month?!?
Ronny: Of course, the one where I took Mary Beth into the shed and she road the bologna pony?
Bradly: Yep, that's the one. Well guess what, you have the prize of prizes coming. She has a put out trophy on board.
Ronny: Ohhhh shitttt.

by fastlaneb September 10, 2019

putting out the puss

dressing to impress

"wow, Kaityln's really putting out the puss in those hotpants"

by lauren August 31, 2003

20๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

Putting out cones

What one tells their wife they are doing when one is actually scoping out babes at Pumpkin Fest.

Hey, Jim where have you been for the last 3 hours.

Sorry, Mar, Iโ€™ve been putting out cones.

by AnastasiaBeaverhausen October 22, 2019

put out of commission

When you have sex with Dean Lonergan and his surprisingly large penis

Person A "Ah man, I was put out of commission"
Person b "oh, you had sex with Dean Lonergan as well?

by FishFucker_69 March 13, 2023

put out to stud

Putting a hot and horny male stud (horse or man) into the pasture so that he can impregnate female horses (ponies).

Horse trainer A: Man, I'm gonna put Seabiscuit out to stud, he just is no good on the track anymore and his dick is almost done workin'.

Horse trainer B: Yeah man, there's nothing left for him. He's gotta be put out to stud.

Guy: I'm going out to stud tonight! Fuck this horse! Let's hit the bars!

by BWWW May 24, 2007

18๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

Put Out a Bolo

To go for a shit

I'm going to put out a bolo.
I just put out a bolo.

by MoรŸ July 21, 2008

7๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž