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retards attempting poetry

-guy rapping-
Joe- hey look, Mike, there's a retard attempting poetry

by Babz9 April 20, 2008

39๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


The rap on (MTV) is truly PISS (and I have the same opinion about almost everything on MTV, so I'm not being '(racist)'. I am a '(hater)' but that's because I hate (mainstream) bullshit of every kind).
(50 Cent) - how the fuck did this bland loser get so popular. G-Unit my ass.

BUT, I know a few real, underground rappers, and these guys I DO respect a lot. They do it for the love, and it's genuine expression. It's *almost* poetry (no it ain't like conventional poetry at all people - rap doesn't translate well on paper, but neither do any music lyrics).

50 Cent, Snoop Dogg, etc are all shit
So's everything on MTV
But there's good rap out there, you just have to look deeper for it.

by Bliss Me Up March 26, 2006

195๐Ÿ‘ 111๐Ÿ‘Ž


rap= retards attempting poetry

dont get mad even you have to admit most rappers are retard attempting poetry.


29๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


A music genre that mostly promotes rape, murder, theft, etc. I hope rap dies a fiery gangbanging ass raping death. Fuck rap.

"Hey Bobby wanna here my rap cd?"
"No you stupid bitch rap is fuckin gay."
listen to hammerfall

by brown haha May 24, 2005

28๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


True rap or "real" rap is not the junk you see flooding MTV/VH1/BET all the time. That kind of rap, or "corporate hip-hop" was originally conspired on by the rich white men that control all the major record labels in order to continue controlling violence and hate in the youth of each generation, especially black youth culture. Posers like 50 Cent, The Game, Ja Rule and others who could use their position to rap about anything other than black-on-black and gang violence instead squander their opportunities by creating beefs with other equally untalented poser wannabe artists and carrying guns wherever they go with eighty hangers-on they like to call their entourage. They strive to be "gangsta" but will always be just a bunch of punks with shiny guns who would never even think of settling disputes with their fists like real men, or heaven forbid, talking it out like adults. True rap and hip-hop comes from the soul, expressing feelings and emotions through the beat and heartfelt lyrics that don't encourage the youth of today to join a gang, arm themselves to the teeth, sell and consume as many narcotics as possible, become an alcoholic and abuse every woman you come across. Did Otis Redding ever threaten to do a drive-by on Marvin Gaye? When did Al Green shoot up a night club because Isaac Hayes happened to be there? Never. These jackasses on top of the charts these days only prove that the youth of today is slowly devolving before our very eyes.

MF Doom. Talib Klewell. Mos Def. Tupac. Wu-Tang.

If you want real rap, start there.

by loogenhausen February 21, 2006

148๐Ÿ‘ 85๐Ÿ‘Ž


Music genre that is looked down upon nowadays. Right now thruthfully, the rap world is full of new artists that make one hit and now think they are good examples being Young Joc, Young Dro, & Dem Franchize Boyz. Nowadays most rap comes from the south and has no meaing to the genre like it used to. Today IT IS all about grills, cars, and hoes. But back in the day artists called it hip-hop which is a lifestyle that actually took skill to make. They actually sung about life in and out of the streets. Today there are some hip-hoppers like back in the day. Examples being Common, Talib Kweli, and Nas. Today rap is all commercial and rappers thinking they have skill when they are taking pop and r & b beats and rapping over them examples being 50 Cent, Ja Rule, and Nelly. I wish hip hop can take over again and not be underground which all real hip hop is now.

Yo you wanna check out this new 50 Cent rap CD I got!?
Response: Nah fuck 50 Cent, I would rather listen to some Wu-Tang Clan, or Nas. Real hip hop bitch!

by YungA.S. August 16, 2006

119๐Ÿ‘ 68๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. Acronym for RETARDS ATTEMPTING POETRY. It used to stand for Rhythm and Poetry before 50 cent.

2. A genre of music that could be defended five years ago before the arrival of 50 cent.

1. Ahahaha...look at em rappers! They suck monkey balls!

2. Rap used to have soul...rap used to have meaning...now it's just a P.O.S.

by Jay Ay See June 11, 2006

187๐Ÿ‘ 113๐Ÿ‘Ž