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booty recall

When one accepts and agrees to meet a booty call but then has a change of heart or a better offer and must cancel or renig.

Maggie was already in her car driving to Tom's to answer his booty call when hunky Dave called. She promptly issued Tom a booty recall and chatted with Dave.

by scarlettleftthebuilding January 26, 2009

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total recall

to recall, to remember something, usally nostalgic - hence the reference to sci-fi 'nold schwarz. Used during conversation when a memory comes up and needs to be shared immediately. Not used for the mundane i.e. 'can you total recall if we have any toilet paper at home?'

after one proper use between interlocutors, 'total recall' will be abbreviated to 'totes rec'.

Pee: ...or we could go looting

Poo: we'd be like omg do you total recall that time we looted all those fire victims' houses?

Pee: oh...totes rec all the sweet charred booty!... yeh but no.

by 3S74R March 14, 2009

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Total Recall

While sexing your significant other you choke them so hard their eyeballs pop out of their head like Arnold Schwarzenegger’s in the movie ‘Total Recall’

Man, I’d really like to Total Recall Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez… she’s already half way there!

by Crack152 September 24, 2021

Multiperspective recall

A moment in time for which a story is told by multiple parties from their own unique perspectives

Scottie and I both love to tell the story of the time he stabbed me. It’s multiperspective recall.

by Bill Bassett March 29, 2022

Total Recalling

The act of crushing an ammonia inhalent capsule and shoving it up an unsuspecting sleeping victims nose. ** Named after the scene in the popular 80's action film Total Recall, where lead character Douglas Quaid is asked to remove a tracking device from his brain through his nasal cavity.

As I approached the stop light, ammonia inhalent capsule in hand, I couldn't resist the need to Total Recall my shithead brother who'd fallen asleep a few miles back. Needless to say, he did not like it at all. Total Recalling FTW%

by Cbass2 December 25, 2011

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Spontaneous Recall

Any past event recalled about a specific situation with no influence about the event. .

My friend and I were walking to the store and I all of the sudden had spontaneous recall about the time we lost our car at the super cross event.

by NEDGBASS February 16, 2018

Full Recall

A phrase in Arcaea that means you got no Losts, at least 1 Far, and any amount of Pures.

I just Full Recall'd Grievous Lady let's go.

by Rekunan September 14, 2021