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That’s not recommended

Engineer speak for “Do not fucking do that.”

Frequently in response to a phenomenally dumb question (usually by sales) or an absurdly improbable situation.

Meant to be derisive.

Sales: “What if we put the square peg in the round hole?”
Engineer: “That’s not recommended.”

Customer: “What if the lawn mower is still running when I stick my hand in?”
Engineer: “That’s not recommended.”

by Telltalehart August 6, 2021


(v.) to date someone per someone else's recommendation or suggestion.

Jessica: I think you should date Matt! He's so cute!
Megan: That sounds fun! I should recommendate him!

by P00L5 February 10, 2012

high recommended

The things that are recommended to do when you are high.

This is a high recommended show you, should totally watch this while you are high.

by XunyL January 9, 2020


when you the recommendate.

i dont recommendate that

is it not recommendated?

by mindgxmes.exe March 12, 2021

recommended password

you don't remember any of them

recommended passwords aren't recommended by me

Google recommends this password.


by Power476 April 12, 2021

The Lower Recommended

A Facebook group started in late February of 2011 that was branched off of The Upper Recommended dedicated to expressing yourself in anyway possible without suffering any consequences. It is almost like its own free country with no rules and just a few guidelines. You may see topics such as white kids who can't rap or the group admin posting about what he recommends you do that you probably shouldn't do if you want to live a long healthy life. It is not for the faint of heart or the giant ego. Just for the average person trying to get by unnoticed. The golden rule is; Don't try and make sense of any of it.

I joined The Lower Recommended and at first I thought it was really stupid but then I saw how bad everybody else's lives were and now I check it everyday to raise my self-esteem.

by Slygnu05 March 2, 2011

sisters recommended

the single most retarded thing ever

guy 1: my sisters recommended is full of furrys and groomers whats wrong with her
guy 2: bro thats normal

by Zordyn May 21, 2023