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An ugly person, can be male or female. In reference to MMA (mixed martial arts) fights, which are typically scheduled for 3 five minute rounds. If the fight makes it to a decision, the fighters faces are often bloody and swollen.

Fred: I saw John last night at the bar.
Mick: Yeah did you guys throw some back?
Fred: Nah, he was already drunk and trying to hook up with a third-rounder. I think he took her home.

by Lambresi March 17, 2008

down rounder

Someone who rounds down when they should be rounding up.

Someone says, "You should get one, it's only $20!"

It's actually $29.95. He's a down rounder.

by sam neil patrick harris May 15, 2010

generous rounder

Someone who rounds up their dick size just for convenience. He would have a 3 inch but then round up to 4 and is basically 5 and 5 is basically 10. So he ends up with a 10 inch cock.

Kit: Josh how big is your willy
Josh: 7 inches
Everyone: Cap! He's such a generous rounder

by Dark Chocolat November 3, 2020

Native rounder

American Spirits. Organic hard hitting darts for hipsters.

Fuck bro, I'm only 20. Could you buy me a pack of turquoise native rounders?

by Hugh G Reckshin February 24, 2020

Danish Rounders

the act in which three men have sex with a danish women and continue to switch orifices while having sex with her. In a "musical chair" sort of way.

"Dude lets play danish rounders with that one chick from economics class"!

by Big PNUt March 26, 2010

7๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

all rounder

this is a kpop term that refers to any idol that excels in dance, rap, and vocals. this is different from an ace as they do not produce or have many other strengths.

person 1: ob my god i love karnia!
person 2: yes! such an all rounder!

by fruitykale January 9, 2022

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Rim Rounder


your partner licks around the rim of your bellend

Archie Mcniven gave me a rim rounder yesterday

by Archie Mcfuck February 11, 2016