Source Code


Main Entry: in·fuck·ing·sane
Pronunciation: (')in-FUCKING-'sAn
Function: adjective

1. Something so insane it is beyond the scale of comprehension.

Usage: Aural Sex Sadisco* was in-fucking-sane!

See: www.sadistic-disco.com

by Nate Cooper July 23, 2005

19👍 3👎

sane freeze

When someone's words or actions defy logic or normal behavior, particularly during the winter months. Odd or peculiar actions taking place everywhere at once.

M: Everyone's IQ's must have dropped off a cliff. I saw people fighting over stupid stuff. Then the riots started and no one knew what or why they happened. People were just went out of control so I left.

G: A real sane freeze, huh?

M: Becky called me up at 4am the other night and just started rambling on like an idiot worried about everything. I told her to sleep it off.

G: She's been acting strange to everyone. I think she has sane freeze lately. I can't hang out with her.

by pseudopun January 26, 2012


The action of pulling the foreskin of the penis back so the bellend is visible

He just did the brain-sane!

by Jackson Sullivan October 11, 2023

differently sane

A euphemism for insane

I'm not crazy! I'm *twitch* differently sane!

by BrokenEyeReborn April 30, 2011

Sane Women

Fictional, fake, non-existant creatures. Much like the Loch Ness monster (see: Loch Ness monster). Men have searched for years looking for sane women.

Ex. Guy one: "dude! We need to find some sane women!"

Guy two: "too bad they don't exist... You'll have a better time finding Nessie.

by thed_man April 13, 2009

15👍 4👎

Justin Sane

The lead vocalist from the band Anti-Flag.
Has been straight-edge all his life.
Has been a vegetarian since birth and a vegan from a young age.
Born in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania he formed the politically charged punk band Anti-Flag.

Is one of the most talented lyricist's ever born and writes music that is extremely infuential and inspirational.

Many see him as a God.

"Did you know, as well as being the best fucking guy ever, Justin Sane is also vegan and straight-edge. What a legend."

"Yeah, and he recently moved to the east end of London"

"He sure is 'Keepin it real'"

by SammySaintOwns September 12, 2008

34👍 15👎

raft sane

Just floating above insanity. Still sane, but boarder line insanity.

That guy seems pretty raft sane to to me.

by OFlex December 31, 2014