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Scandinavian Avalanche

After a guy cums in a girl, she quickly stands over him and lets the cum flow out allover him.

After Dick came into Jane, she stood over his face and treated him to a Scandinavian Avalanche.

by brooklyn_kielbasa May 15, 2009

14๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Scandinavian Paddle

The act of hitting testicles with a ping pong paddle studded with thumbtacks.

My girlfriend is such a freak she gave me a "Scandinavian Paddle"/
Bob was at my place last night and we gave each other a "Scandinavian Paddle"

by AyyyYes December 4, 2017

Scandinavian Penis

On average, the largest kind of penis in the world, coming ahead of even the almighty black penis

"OMG, Shayla, last night, I had a Scandinavian Penis inside me!"
"LOL, is that why you're limping?"
"Yeah, but it was worth it!"

by Lilac de Nubia October 29, 2013

12๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Scandinavian bullwhip

The act of shitting in a sock and beating someone with it. Commonly used as a form of sexual pleasure.

Yo! Make a Scandinavian bullwhip and hit me with it!

by They Call Me Tater. June 23, 2010

25๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Scandinavian backpedalling

When your mate grabs your shlong and you move their arm up and down to masturbate.

His mum endulged me in some Scandinavian backpedalling last night after the dutch rudder.

by BakesMum June 12, 2012

Scandinavian Spritzer

As itinerant Scandinavians began to settle in the Pacific Northwest during the early 1900's, they often gathered into communities to retain their traditions and practices. One such practice, known as the Scandinavian Spritzer, continues to withstand the test of time as long-standing tradition for thanking your neighbors. When introduced to the Pacific Northwest it endeared the Scandinavian immigrants to the locals almost immediately.

Whenever a helpful neighbor (or group of helpful neighbors) would help out an elderly widowed woman in the village, she would repay them with the Spritzer. After first offering a plate of decoy cookies to lower their guard, the elderly woman would raise her skirt, pinch her labia together, and force her urine out. The pinched labia would redirect her urine back across her perineum, where it gathered additional musk and essence, before spraying outward from betwixt her tightly clenched buttocks. The resulting spray would be finely atomized and highly aromatic. This was a coveted reward, and as such created an atmosphere of willing and able neighbors.

Gigi Ulla Gave Mitchell and Julian a dank Scandinavian Spritzer after distracting them with a plate of warm cookies. They knew it was worth changing those smoke detector batteries!

by TRAIL BOSS October 27, 2022

scandinavian drunk

So drunk that people question if they should call the ambulance for you. Regular amount of drunk for scandinavians

Should we call the ambulance? No she is just scandinavian drunk.

by Lobster<3 June 23, 2022