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Second Hand Period

Similar to second hand smoke, if you are around a women too long when she is on her period, the effects may start to wear on you as well. Common symptoms include headaches, cramps, or the uncontrollable urge to smack 'a bitch. The best way to deal with a Second Hand Period is to avoid the demon at all costs until she returns back into her dormant state.

"Oh man, last night I was hangin' out with my girl, and she wouldn't stop nagging me. It got so bad I had to step outside for a minute before I got a headache."

"Sounds like a Second Hand Period..."

"A, what?"

"Second Hand Period, you've never heard of it? It's when your girl's on her period and her lady parts start sending out radars that interfere with your neurotransmitters."

"Damn, so that's what it is...."

"Ya bro, scary shit..."

by GnarGnar47 May 16, 2013

Second-hand embarrassed

When someone does something so foolish, asinine, or awkward that you feel embarrassed FOR them.

Man, I was so second-hand embarrassed when that sang Call Me Maybe during karaoke.

Did you see just see that guy get slapped in the face by that girl? I'm so second-hand embarrassed for him.

by Hindenburg June 19, 2013

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second hand songs

The muffled noise you hear when the guy next to you has his mp3 turned up to high.

I was stuck listening to second hand songs from 50 cent the entire frikin' plane ride!

by That White Kid October 8, 2008

second hand dartboard

A phrase used in a describing a female that has had many sexual partners, and who is generally known as a whore.

"Look at that slut over there, she has had more pricks in her than a second hand dartboard."

by Paul Fleming July 8, 2006

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second hand high

When you get high off of someone elses second hand smoke, usually weed. IT IS POSSIBLE.

Ricky and Trev were clam baking the shed last night and it gave me a second hand high!

by Julia Raymond December 19, 2006

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second hand sex

When someone experiences sexual intercourse indirectly.

Those people in the next room are fucking and I can hear them. I'm a victim of second-hand sex

by maddox February 17, 2005

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second hand depression

when someone is so depressing they make you feel depressed and possibly wanting to commit suicide

person 1: it's so hard to live when you feel so worthless. i feel this way every day of my life.

person 2: shit, man, you're giving me second hand depression.

by icantdealm8 November 28, 2016

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