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tan sek jiau

Hottest teacher

I wish Tan Sek Jiau taught me

by dddddddfffd September 5, 2022



pink floyd c'est de la musique psychédélique
a un certain point pink floyd c comme une drogue lmao

t sek lmao

by felixpro2 February 11, 2019


sek is the best moaner on cord and will run moan 4 moan anytime

Sek has such a big Cock

by February 27, 2021


Sex in Turkish.

"Dude I fucked a Turkish girl last night. It was a very rough seks!"

by Paddon February 21, 2017


the best word

nik : ioannidis is my brother for life

me : yes only sek

by prekniaris November 20, 2021


the best word you can use it all day

- nik : ioannidis is my brother for life

- me : yes sek only

by prekniaris November 23, 2021


I don't know. you don't know. If you do know the illuminati wants you to know all i can tell you is that its means sex but we use it to get past strict automod...

person 1: you bitch wanna have sex


Person 1: yo bitch wanna have seks?

person 2: sure

by Racetrakk May 16, 2020